It's great if you managed to make it works. For information, which operating system do you use ?
It's great if you managed to make it works. For information, which operating system do you use ?
Thank you, we'll make some research and remove them from the database.
plusieurs personnes rencontrent ce problème. Je vous donne plus de nouvelles dès que possible. :)
Please whitelist the following registry entries that belongs to Free Download Manager 3.9.6 download monitoring control. Removing them, prevents the download manager to launch and catch links when downloading from a browser.
It's annoying that whenever there is a new version, if one chooses to get it, old version gets erased, it should at least be renamed as adwcleaner.bak in case downloading of newer version fails (or doesn't work in winxp anymore as it happen to be my case). So now I don't have either version.
Which brings me to another topic: Where is it possible to DL older versions so I can recover this great...
For some reason....just tried downloading it for the 25th time....and magically it's working. Huh......strange.
JaySchroeder5050, 2016-01-23 00:57:11 (UTC)
I have it (adwcleaner_5.027.exe (or _5.030)) saved on disk by Download manager as part of my brawser and I discovered that I can “Open” it repeatedly through the “downloded files” list in the Download manager Menu
I have an AES256 key in hexadecimal "8A64E947DAA12B6B7761F30192219270883F24D358D55A1E98E5364B801E9120".
That key is encrypted in AES256 and have to decrypt the following key and initialization vector:
Key = "517565747A616C636F61746C5349495038383838383838382020202020202020"
IV = "00000000000000000000000000000000".
The result of the decryption must be a string of 64 characters (hexadecimal).
avez-vous essayé depuis un autre ordinateur ?
Sinon, je peux vous conseiller l'utilisation de TestDisk, il permettra peut-être la récupération de vos données voir la réparation d'une présumée corruption de partition.
Si vous souhaitez plus de détails concernant l'utilisation de ce logiciel, n'hésitez pas à me demander. :)
Bonjour à tous,
Un souci avec un disque dur externe via USB :
Il comporte des données,
L'accès n'est plus possible car le système demande le formatage comme si la partition 0 n'existait plus.
De quel façon pourrais je récupérer ces données, après un formatage on peut récupérer une partie des données mais pas toujours efficace même si des softs comme recuva sont assez puissant.
Donc je r...
For some reason....just tried downloading it for the 25th time....and magically it's working. Huh......strange.