sqlite3.dll is corrupted

When i click on scan, they denied me with message "sqlite3.dll is corrupted or has been replaced." i'm trying to delete it and install again several times using this link: https://toolslib.net/downloads/viewdownload/1-adwcleaner/, and every time same... THen i downloaded  SEAF : https://toolslib.net/downloads/viewdownload/155-seaf/ and there is a results:

1. ========================= SEAF 1.0...

sqlite3.dll is corrupted

dans AdwCleaner par laet


comme dit dans le titre, impossible de lancer adwcleaner...

j"ai deja fait les etapes ccleaner puis reinstall mais rien n'y fait...

merci d'avance pour votre aide




I'm trying to modify winpese with "modify se "tool no succses.

I tried to add ghost32.exe to the program file directory or other directory but it's wont work, i can't see the file.

I need it to support old images i have.

please someone help

thank you

sqlite3.dll is corrupted

dans AdwCleaner par bone

Impossible de faire un scan toujours le meme message meme apres la manipulation avec CCleaner

Re: USB File Resc - some drive letters NOT ACCEPTED

Hello, good day to everyone.

Liina, you're right. USB File Resc was designed to be used on removable disks, usually do not have a range of letters so far from normal, causing them to be limited from letter D to S. Most of the time, removable disks are assigned letters D, E, F, H, I. It is an idea that we have had since we started with this project and so far only you have noticed, what a good ...

Re: AdwCleaner 6.044 mistakenly deleted Advanced SystemCare 10.2 pro

What criterias are you targeting Advanced System Care for more specificly? Their programs have saved my and my friends computers several times. It feels like there must be a reason for this? Your program and their program have been my 2 go to programs but now all of a sudden you remove it? Can you be really specific about why so that future users searching for this reason can understand why? It...

Re: Not Working (help :D) "ADW CLEANER"

Sometimes when i turn on my pc, the screen flashs and add a firefox (FireFoxU) or google chorme app on my desktop and in my bar. And i keep getting filles with virus (i think) in it.

USB File Resc - some drive letters NOT ACCEPTED

dans USB File Resc par Liina

The software does not accept all drive letters. If the drive letter is U the software replies that I have typed a WRONG ("letra erronea") letter. If I change it to (I:) it works. Does this program have a specific range of drive letters to be used?

Any specific reason to limit the letter range?


Spanish translation:

Este programa no acepta todas letras, por ejemplo para la letra U responde ...

How spees up the eMMC storage?

I have a new Laptop and I try speed up or to optimize the Drive eMMC , I knolodge is similar like SSD,but I need make sure the right way to do,please any advice as well.

Re: pourquoi supprimer wise registry cleaner ?

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux



Nous avions un logiciel très simple et efficace, nous aurons peut-être bientôt à faire le tri des positifs nuisibles et des utiles ce qui enlevera tout intérêt à adwcleaner : c'est bien dommage.

anasecu, 2017-04-01 17:03:41 (UTC)

La version 7 qui sortira sous peu vous permettra de gérer plus facilement les éléments que vous souhaitez garder. Cependant, gardez bien à l'esprit que ...