Ditto the above two registry entries for OpcMp4Player,
Are they false positives? they are part of Sony Sonic Stage on my PC, a legit program that I have installed.
Ditto the above two registry entries for OpcMp4Player,
Are they false positives? they are part of Sony Sonic Stage on my PC, a legit program that I have installed.
Now I've used the newest AdwCleaner version 6.0.1 and got 5 errors. My computer is running fine so I'm hesitant to delete these without knowing exactly what they are. Can you tell me, one-by-one, what these threats are precisely? I'd really appreciate it.
I believe the first four are related to Sony software on my Vaio.
Thank you.
***** [ Registry ] *****
Hello again.
Now I've used the newest version 6.0.1 and got 5 errors. My computer is running fine so I'm hesitant to delete these without knowing exactly what they are. Can you tell me, one-by-one, what these threats are precisely? I think the first four are related to Sony software running on my Vaio.
By the way, Malwarebytes scans come up as completely clean.
Thank you.
***** [ Registry ]...
I had a similar issue. I manually deleted my issues by following the location of the threats and removing them. An admin told me that they will soon fix it in an upcoming update, but I don't know much about this. Good luck!
unten habe ich das aktuelle Protokoll beigefügt.
Zunächst wurden 4 `Bedrohungen` gefunden (s.u.). Nach Neustart des PC nach der Überprüfung durch den ADW CLEANER war aus dem Protokoll erkennbar, daß die 4 `Bedrohungen` gelöscht wurden (s.u.).
Ein erneuter Lauf des ADW CLEANER ergab jedoch, daß diese 4 `Bedrohungen` nach wie vor vorhanden sind - also nicht gelöscht wurden !!!
Auch me...
Merci pour votra aide, mais même ce logiciel ne trouve rien d'anormal...
Et oui, la fenêtre intempestive (toujours les 2 mêmes: enquete google chrome et réparation de PC), s'ouvre seuluement sur Chrome!
Je ne vois pas quoi faire...
Je vais essayer de désinstaller et réinstaller Chrome!
It's alright, I informed myself now and managed to remove it manually by going into the registry. What was it and was it something really dangerous or not a big deal? Since I'm by no means well educated in computer things, I got quite startled when I saw the word 'threat'. Should I be worried? Is it my PC safe if all my antivirus programs tell me there are no threats?
Thank you for taking your...
So I recently scanned adwcleaner and I received 3 threats. After pressing delete and rebooting my PC, the threats remained. No other program detects these threats.
Here is the log file: https://up2sha.re/file?f=cGgENTZmRphx
Thank you for your patience and help :)
Bonsoir à tous,
J'en peux plus!!
Une fenêtre s'ouvre à chaque clic que je fais dans google.
Toujours les mêmes fenêtre : "Enquête visiteur Chrome" ou "Réparationde PC Windows 10".
J'ai supprimer tout mon historique, cookies et autres données sauvergardées sur internete; nettoyé mon ordi avec Avast (qui était déjà installé sur mon ordi), puis avec CCleaner, puis ADWcleaner, puis ZHP Diag et ...
So I recently scanned adwcleaner and I received 3 threats. After pressing delete and rebooting my PC, the threats remained. No other program detects these threats. What can I do? (How do I post my logs?)