
dans AdwCleaner par foxy

I have just recently downloaded the new version, before it worked very well now when I run the software and then I want to clean my computer, windows tells me that it will close the program as it has stopped running. I have done this several times and I still get the same problem.

Can anyone help me

Potential false positives?

dans AdwCleaner par gamefan


I'm running the latest version of ADW cleaner and got this back as my report.

***** [ Services ] *****

No malicious services found.

***** [ Folders ] *****

PUP.Optional.CrossRider, C:/Users\Gamefan\AppData\Roaming\app

***** [ Files ] *****

No malicious files found.

***** [ DLL ] *****

No malicious DLLs found.

***** [ WMI ] *****

No malicious WMI found.

***** [ Shortcuts ] *****


Re: Can I remove these folders/keys safely with adware cleaner?

dans AdwCleaner par JoshRoss

PUP is a potentially unwanted program. Basically, something that comes with bundleware or through other sources. As fr33tux mentioned, you should just remove them and not worry about it much. In general, if you see something with WARE in scans, it is some form of malware.

Many Bugs

dans AdwCleaner par reactor

Hello, firstly, thanks for this amazing tool


I can't see the Quarantine items (file(s)/folder(s)/registry etc..)


I  see that message(every scan)

2017-07-22 21:35:20.459 DEBUG [4180] [MainUI::buttonScanClicked@292] [i] Scan button clicked (-31986)
2017-07-22 21:35:20.463 DEBUG [2356] [MainUI::Entry@1241] [+] Checking for update...
2017-07-22 21:35:21.399 DEBUG [2356] [AdwCleanerSDK...

Re: V7 tools/options changes not sticking in both Win 7 and Win 10

Update re Win 10.

The tools/options alterations do stick except the delete tracing keys and reset winsock which keep reappearing.  

Re: vers 7.0

dans AdwCleaner par p060477

here it is:

now i'm waiting for yr helpful reply



Re: vers 7.0

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


Please zip the folder C:\AdwCleaner, host it on and share the generated link here.

Re: Version 7 FPs (262 elements)

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


  1. Download FRST 
  2. Download fixlist.txt file and save it to the Desktop.

NOTE. It's important that both files, FRST/FRST64 and fixlist.txt are in the same location or the fix will not work.

NOTICE: This script was written specifically for this user, for use on that particular machine. Running this on another machine may cause damage to your operating system.

Run FRST/FRST64 and press the...

Re: Can I remove these folders/keys safely with adware cleaner?

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


Yes, you can remove these elements.

What exactly does this mean, and is this a real threat?

Yes, those elements have been detected with the heuristics detections (hence the family name).

Re: V7 tools/options changes not sticking in both Win 7 and Win 10

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


Wth Win 7 the tools/options window which opens does not have an Okay or reset button

Can you share a screenshot showing this?