
on AdwCleaner's page

from ewald81375, (12 december 2014)

Again I will ask and hope for an answer!
Cleaning malware with AdwCleaner in Windows 7 of a friend AdwCleaner didn't delete some tasks named "Rocket Updater" and "APSnotifier...". Everything else was deleted. What to do?
Thank you very much for an answer.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (10 december 2014)

AdwCleaner is detecting some registry entries like i.e. "nico mak computing". Click on "clean" but the same entries keep returning over and over again. It does not delete these entries. Why?


on AdwCleaner's page

from jviggiano, (09 december 2014)

Please add LogMeIn Rescue to the whitelist. The last few releases are kicking us out of our customer's computers before we can hit ok to do the cleaning.


on AdwCleaner's page

from Me1, (09 december 2014)

Enfin, la version 4.104 m'a averti qu'une nouvelle version était disponible, ce qui ne fonctionnait pas avant depuis la création des versions 4x. J'ai maintenant installé la version 4.105.

Merci !


on AdwCleaner's page

from Me1, (09 december 2014)

Finally, with version 4.104, I get prompted to download the latest version, which has not been working since versions 4 and up have been released. Now updated to version 4.105.

Thank you. Keep up the good work!


on AdwCleaner's page

from dellwashy, (09 december 2014)

my adw cleaner said it was out of date so i downloaded a newer version but problems occurred and my anti virus blocked it as it was seen as a threat to my computer i was really impressed with this tool now i am unable to use it hope you can give me some feedback as how i can remedy this problem so i may go on using your product


on AdwCleaner's page

from p060477, (07 december 2014)

hats off to xplode and cocochepeau!

thanks so much really indeed for the great and hard job you have done!
and for the time and patience that you have gifted to all of us windows' xp's users!

now yr precious tool really rocks!

and it works very fine on my old wins xp as it always have done in the past up to the vers 3.311

thanks so much again!

do not forget this solution you have discovered
to solve the bug because maybe in the future should be helpful again



on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (05 december 2014)


Muy bueno contra esos Virus de publicidad xc

jaja !!!

Solamente que no me quita los recuadros de publicidad de "ads by safer-surf" pero bueno lo demás si xD!


on AdwCleaner's page

from dmapdm, (05 december 2014)

houps je devais pas être opérationnel pour le 2nd lien :


on AdwCleaner's page

from dmapdm, (05 december 2014)

Les fichiers suivant seront-ils toujours d'actualité ? :
merci d'avance

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