
on AdwCleaner's page

from tdmduc, (01 october 2014)

Today all of a sudden Adwcleaner 3.311 is blocked as Trojan by Windows defender and my 360 Internet Security.
What is this??????


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (10 september 2014)

To some of the other users out there who think this software is a virus, listen up. Any piece of software that performs administrative tasks with or without the user knowledge is considered malware or a trojan. Unfortunately, this is also common for software with a good cause.


on AdwCleaner's page

from JoshuaH, (02 september 2014)

I have tried to download this several times with the same result as everyone else, Norton Internet Security is treating this programme as a trojan and deletes it. I have been on the NIS website forums and people there are quoting that the programme is safe to use and providing website links for download, both the BleepingComputer and Xplode links yet is still being blocked by NIS, any ideas if there is another programme available...?


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (02 september 2014)

Also cannot download as Norton blocks and removes it. Here is copy of Norton details:

Filename: adwcleaner[1].exe
Threat name: Trojan.Gen.SMH
Full Path: c:\users\admin\appdata\local\microsoft\windows\temporary internet files\content.ie5\0xz70k18\adwcleaner[1].exe
Unknown Community Usage,  Unknown Age,  Risk High

Downloaded from

Actions performed: Actions performed: 1
On computers as of 
9/2/2014 at 8:45:45 AM
Last Used 
9/2/2014 at 9:49:52 AM
Startup Item 
It is unknown how many users in the Norton Community have used this file.
This file release is currently not known.
This file risk is high.
Threat type: Virus. Programs that infect other programs, files, or areas of a computer by inserting themselves or attaching themselves to that medium.
Downloaded File adwcleaner[1].exe Threat name: Trojan.Gen.SMH
Source: External Media
File Actions
File: c:\Users\ADMIN\AppData\Local\microsoft\Windows\temporary internet files\Content.IE5\0XZ70K18\ adwcleaner[1].exe Removed
File Thumbprint - SHA:
File Thumbprint - MD5:
Not available


on AdwCleaner's page

from ngefanboy2288, (02 september 2014)

i too can conferm that Symantec is treating the lasted verson and modafication of adw as a Trojan Gen/Trojan Horse please veiw and remodavie your progame i enjoyed it ever snice i found it on bleepingcompture and there a great place and site to use so for the bettership of the internert please get on this ASAP.bye


on AdwCleaner's page

from Myxlplyx, (02 september 2014)

I would like to confirm that Symantec Endpoint Protection is treating the latest version of Adwcleaner as Trojan.Gen.SMH


on AdwCleaner's page

from EvansMediaUSA, (31 august 2014)

Jinx that - now when i download your updated version my Norton says your product is dangerous with a Trojan and will not let me download it. Sooooooooo,......what's up Doc?????


on AdwCleaner's page

from cramnorg, (30 july 2014)

La version 3.301 proposée, comporte un virus que mon logiciel de sécurité détecte en interdisant le téléchargement et ce quelque soit le site où je tente de le télécharger.
Virus : Trojan généric 11592248
Fichier : jlsGDksk.part


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (09 july 2014)

Petit problème avec AdwCleaner que j'aime beaucoup
Norton signal : Discovered:
January 13, 2014
January 13, 2014 9:19:06 AM
Trojan, Virus
Infection Length:
Systems Affected:
Windows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XP

Du coup impossible de le lancer sans fermer Norton
C'est arrivé à quelqu'un d'autre s'il vous plait?
Bonne soirée


on AdwCleaner's page

from SKeseb, (14 june 2014)

Bonjour, le scan VirusTotal du fichier AdwCleaner v3.212 donne un Ratio de détection de 4/54, dont détail ci-dessous (nom antivirus : nom malware). Peut-être s'agit-il par exemple de faux-positifs ou encore d'affichage (anti)concurrentiels, toujours est-il que je souhaiterais avoir votre éclairage sur ces résultats. Avec mes remerciements.
CMC : Trojan.Win32.Generic!O
Commtouch : W32/GenBl.42F24559!Olympus
TrendMicro-HouseCall : TROJ_GEN.F47V0605
Zoner : Trojan.Napolar.A