
on AdwCleaner's page

from Edelweiss, (22 march 2015)


La dernière version supprime "Google Toolbar".......

Bonne soirée



on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (16 march 2015)

So windows 7 64 bit with chrome 41.0.2272.89m (64 bit)
Probabile false positive
***** [ Registry ] *****
Chiave Trovato : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{A92DAB39-4E2C-4304-9AB6-BC44E68B55E2}
Google helper update


on AdwCleaner's page

from Alain_Gheysens, (10 march 2015)

AdwCleaner v4.110, v.4.111 et la nouvelle version v4.112 mentionnent 3 clés appartenant à AVS dont je reprend le contenu partiel ci-dessous.
@="C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesAVSMediaActiveXAVSAudioDXPlayer3.dll"
@="C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesAVSMediaActiveXAVSAudioDxPlayer4.dll"
@="C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesAVSMediaActiveXAVSAudioDXTransform3.dll"

Je l'ai ai déjà signalés auparavant et pense qu'il s'agit de faux positifs car ces clés semblent nécessaires au logiciel AVS4YOU.
Pourriez vous me renseigner, s'il vous plait, par email
D'avance merci


on AdwCleaner's page

from LeoGraper, (10 march 2015)

I wonder if there's more distinct Changelog about what got fixed, specially with false positives!
Previous version crippled me with Chrome where it tought that the ScriptBlock addon was a threat.


on AdwCleaner's page

from tgeri, (09 march 2015)

Dear Xplode!

I LOVE AdwCleaner it helps me a lot! I love that it first kills almost all processes in order to do a good job after. In older versions it terminated the TeamViewer applications process too but I noticed that now it trusts TV so it leavs it alone. This is great! As I understand there is a "whitelist" for apps that won't be terminated before a clean? If so I would like to propose a new addition to this list: Ammyy. Ammyy is just like TV: a legit remote admin app. It has a free version also I think a lot of people use it. Sometimes I user it instead of TV but now I can't run Adw through it because then I "close my self out" of the computer: without "local" user interaction I won't be able to get back in the computer after I click ADW Clean. Their website:
What do you think? Thanks for your answer in advance and KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! Thank you in the name of all the users of ADW!


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (08 march 2015)

je viens de mettre à jour le logiciel adwcleaner et je viens d'effectuer une analyse.
est ce que la clé se situant dans le registre est un faux positif ?
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet setting
merci d'avance pour votre réponse


on AdwCleaner's page

from Alain_Gheysens, (07 march 2015)

AdwCleaner v4.110 et la nouvelle version v4.111 mentionnent 3 clés appartenant à AVS dont je reprend le contenu partiel ci-dessous.
@="C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesAVSMediaActiveXAVSAudioDXPlayer3.dll"
@="C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesAVSMediaActiveXAVSAudioDxPlayer4.dll"
@="C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesAVSMediaActiveXAVSAudioDXTransform3.dll"

Je pense qu'il s'agit de faux positifs car ces clés semblent nécessaires.
D'avance merci


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (07 march 2015)

Por favor, como obtengo una versión anterior a la 4.111 o una que funcione?, gracias!!! soy


on AdwCleaner's page

from Psajko, (05 march 2015)

It was a problem with Firefox 36.0.
Everything is fine after I updated Firefox to version 36.0.1.


on AdwCleaner's page

from Josejo, (05 march 2015)

Hola , la version 4.111 falla!