
on AdwCleaner's page

from renald02, (29 november 2016)

"AUSLOGIS DISK DEFRAG" que j'utilise depuis des années, viens de sortir comme une menace, alors q'il n'y a rien qui sort dans MALWAREBYTES ANTI-MALWARE, ou HITMAN PRO ou ESET SMART SECURITY..........Est-ce normale???? MERCI.


on AdwCleaner's page

from Dypsis, (09 may 2016)

I have a couple of false positives to report that keep getting flagged, but shouldn't be.

1. Under Scheduled Tasks, RunAsStdUser Task is C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopus.exe
This is a legit Directory Opus entry.

2. Under Shortcuts, C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\TeraByte Unlimited\TeraByte OSD Tool Suite Pro\Ready To Run Scripts\INISTART - Reset Windows Startup.lnk
This is a legit Terabyte Image for Windows shortcut.


on AdwCleaner's page

from hhh330, (29 march 2016)

En plus détection sous avg internet sécurity


on AdwCleaner's page

from BakuDM, (07 january 2016)

The last update is triggering my SmartScreen (Windows 10) when I click to run it, should I care?


on AdwCleaner's page

from jeangabill, (25 november 2015)

Après avoir sélectionné et effectué certaines éradications je me retrouve à présent avec tous les répertoires ''Adobe'' et toujours SmartSound à nettoyer...


on AdwCleaner's page

from jeangabill, (24 november 2015)

Nouveau, après une longue accalmie, la version 5.022 me détecte SmartSound installé par PowerDirector de Syberlink et bien d'autres clés.
Je ne nettoie rien pour l'instant en attendant des rectifications.
Merci pour ce très bon outil.


on WinUpdateFix's page

from jjunkk, (15 september 2015)

Here is the translation to English. I just used Google.
Then I took a screen shot of WinUpdateFix. The you can change the instruction boxes to English. Then print out the altered picture and use that for reference.


OS : Microsoft Windows 7

SP : Pas de données
SP : No Data

Architecture : 64 bits

Session en cours : Corentin
Session : Current

[Windows Update]

Etat : Démarré
State : Started

Actif (2)
Active (2)

Dernière Maj effectuée le
Last Shift effected

Date time



Mises á jour automatiques
Automatic Updates

Etat : Démarré
State : Started

Statut : Automatigue
Status : Automatic


Etat : Démarré
State : Started

Statut : Automatigue
Status : Automatic

[Service de cryptographie]
[Cryptographic Service]

Etat : Démarré
State : Started

Statut : Automatigue
Status : Automatic


Effacer le cataloque des mises á jour
Clear the catalog updates

Réinscrire les Dll
Regester the DLLs

Vider le dossier Software Distribution
Empty the Software Distribution folder

Réínitialíser les paramétres Winsock
Reset Winsock Settings

Supprimer les fichiers temporaires
Delete temporary files

Reinitialiser les descripteurs de securite
Reset security descriptors

Supprimer le proxy
Remove proxy

Restaurer les policies
Restore policies

Effacer la file d'attente BITS
Clear the BITS queue


Tous Aucun
All No



Créer un rapport de
Create a diagnostic


on AdwCleaner's page

from Olegos, (07 june 2015)

Version 4.206 after the start of scanning stops with an error in the journal 0xc0000005.
DEP enabled for all services and applications.
Windows 7 х86.
- <Event xmlns="">
- <System>
<Provider Name="Application Error" />
<EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>
<TimeCreated SystemTime="2015-06-07T14:21:34.000000000Z" />
<Security />
- <EventData>


on AdwCleaner's page

from kshepherd, (29 may 2015)

Xplode, thank you for a great tool. Recently I came across a malware auto-reinstaller that AdwCleaner v4.205 does not detect. I completely removed it using Malwarebytes Anti-Malware program.
Log files (and any other data ) available upon request.
Here are the details:
AdwCleaner removed all malware, but it would reinstall after about 5 minutes. I do not know which was the undetected culprit, but here is a list of everything Malwarebytes removed:
PUP.Optional.MultiPlug.Gen, PUP.Optional.ModGoog, PUP.Optional.GigaClicks.A, PUP.Optional.SearchProtect, PUP.Optional.EduApp.A, PUP.Optional.GigaClicks.C, PUP.Optional.Infonaut.A, PUP.Optional.SuperClick.A, PUP.Optional.CrossRider.C, PUP.Optional.Coupoon.A, PUP.Optional.CinemaPlus.A, PUP.Optional.Shopperz.A,PUP.Optional.MBot.A,PUP.Optional.GamesDesktop.A,PUP.Optional.MultiPlug.A,PUP.Optional.CrossBrowse.C,PUP.Optional.BundleInstaller.A,PUP.Optional.SearchProtect.A,PUP.Optional.GlobalUpdate.A,PUP.Optional.Trovi.A,PUP.Optional.Appmgr.A,PUP.Optional.JellySplit.Gen.A,PUP.Optional.Tuto4PC.A,PUP.Optional.SmartWeb.A,PUP.Optional.CrossBrowse, PUP.Optional.CrossRider.A,PUP.Optional.Imali.SID.A,PUP.Optional.Bundle,PUP.Optional.CheckOffer, PUP.Optional.BrowseFox, PUP.Optional.OfferInstaller.C,PUP.Optional.PCOptimizerPro,PUP.Optional.WebBar.A,PUP.Optional.Tuto4PC.A,


on DelFix's page

from jupiter19, (25 april 2015)

Como interpretar en el menu de inicio ACTIVATE UAC - Create registry backup- reset system setting para saber si los puedo utilizar o no. Gracias por su ayuda en DELFIX