
on AdwCleaner's page

from levski1914, (13 august 2016)

Hi, bulgarian language not work at new version a program, please fix thanks.
Mark Bulgarian but do not translate.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (13 july 2016)

excelente programa, ha eliminado varios malaware que otros antivirus famosos y caros no eliminaron, lo recomiendo como complemento, usenlo a diario, vale la pena


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (01 july 2016)

divert1.1 win 8.1
empresa gás tecnologia.internet banking.
c:\program files\diebold\warsaw\windivert64.sys
banco brasil


on Pre_Scan's page

from Suukog, (29 may 2016)

Thank you very much for this masterpiece of software. i was infected by some kind of zeroaccess. not the original one. the one i have is not to detect with "normal" and promoted methods like tdss killer and similar. i did many research and from the traces i found, i conclude it might be zeroaccess. no one was able to help me until now. not even so called "experts". everyone told me i didnt have any issue. then i ran your program. the log showed anything suspicious i found over the last months. and it directley fixed it. restarting the machine and.. everything gone. i still can not believe it. your a genius man. the only one who could help me. you can be proud of yourself. thank you very much. greetings andi.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (10 may 2016)

To: SomeoneAtTheWorl download this program and I promise all your troubles will be gone.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (10 may 2016)

I Love the AdwCleaner program it got rid of PUP that I did everything to get rid of it. I ran this program and it cleaned out my computer and got rid of infect files and programs that was not needed or infected. Thank God for this program. The Best there is. Thank you for having it has a free program.


on AdwCleaner's page

from Dypsis, (09 may 2016)

I have a couple of false positives to report that keep getting flagged, but shouldn't be.

1. Under Scheduled Tasks, RunAsStdUser Task is C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopus.exe
This is a legit Directory Opus entry.

2. Under Shortcuts, C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\TeraByte Unlimited\TeraByte OSD Tool Suite Pro\Ready To Run Scripts\INISTART - Reset Windows Startup.lnk
This is a legit Terabyte Image for Windows shortcut.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (04 may 2016)

APRES avoir telechargé ADWCLEANER 5.115 il m'est impossible d'executer le programme,
la mention "adwcleaner n'est pas une instruction win32 valide" apparait sur mon laptop.

comment y remedier SVP


on AdwCleaner's page

from renald02, (25 april 2016)

J'adore le POPUP de la dernière bouture 5.113, celui qui dit:


on AdwCleaner's page

from jorgefuentes457, (21 april 2016)

excelente programa gracias!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!