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de prston, (08 novembre 2015)

URGENT -- Attn: AdWare Developer -- MAJOR Bug Report for v5.019
I just downloaded and attempted to run the current version...but AdWare fails to run and crashes before opening.
Here is what happens:
1. Open File window opens after clicking on the .exe file.
2. Clicking Run on Open File window results in a window opening with an error message.
3. The error message simply states AdWare Cleaner encountered an unknown problem, etc. The error window offers a Debug button. I simply closed it out.
4. I ran version 4.2xx. It opened and worked fine.
NEXT ISSUE: v4.2xx identified about 11 registry keys as a threat. After manually locating each registry key, all registry key were associated with variations of "Download.SwInstaller" and "NCTAudioFile2.DLL". Extensive Google searching didn't uncover any meaningful info about the nature of those two 'things'. So, I didn't let Adware delete them. DO YOU KNOW WHY ADWARE PEGGED THOSE REGISTRY KEYS AS THREATS?
*** Sir Xplode, I wish to profusely thank you for sharing Adware with the world. Your Adware saved my PC more than once over the years. Bless you!


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de ****, (05 novembre 2015)

@SPARTACUS Do not blame changelog AdwCleaner I have been using this program since the "Beta" version never had a problem and wish to thank the developer for this program this and Malwarebytes has saved me a lot of bs excespcially dloadin torrent files such as games and software you never know what viruses and malware are hiding in these files . And back to @SPARTACUS your "other perfectly good programs "you say you had with your chrome extensions you should of unchecked them before running clean setting and I believe there is a pop up could be wrong but if my mem serves me right a pop up comes up after scanning files before clean it says pls uncheck files and extensions you wish to keep I always have to do this cause I have a bunch of "PUP" but other first time users pls disregard this person comment I've been using for years and love this program


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de cocochepeau, (30 octobre 2015)

@SPARTACUS Sorry that it happened. What was these "other perfectly good programs" that AdwCleaner removed ? I also insists that we recommend to ask for help on our support forum while using such a tool. AdwCleaner let you choose what elements you want to remove. Finally, you can always easily restore deleted files by using the quarantine.



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de ****, (30 octobre 2015)

Excellent logiciel, le plus rapide et extrêmement efficace. Cependant j'utilise Spamfighter (payant) comme antispam et ADWcleaner le considère apparemment comme une menace. Dois-je m'inquiéter de ce logiciel ou est-ce un faux positif? car après un scan il ne fonctionne plus, je dois réinstaller spamfighter.
bien cordialement.


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de SPARTACUS, (29 octobre 2015)

I only joined her to voice my opinion about AdwCleaner. I was sent to this site saying it will help remove bad extension i had in chrome browser. well let me tell you it found none but it went on to remove other perfectly good programs i had that had nothing to do with chrome. Some are some i used for years and can not download again. Thanks AdwCleaner.... for nothing! My recommendations to everyone.. DO NOT USE!! unless you want to lose more then you wanted too. Thank you.


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de ****, (24 octobre 2015)

Very good tools AdwCleaner! I've got rid of some recently appearing very annoying popups
Thank you for developer team


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de ****, (13 octobre 2015)

Unfortunately ADW cleaner was not able to find Buzzdock ads and High stairs ads. All other ads where removed perfectly! I really like this program.


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de ****, (11 octobre 2015)

Just wanted to say ADWCleaner is AWESOME and really works!!!. I was having issues with my pc, realized Optimizer Pro had been downloaded to my pc. Was getting a lot of unwanted pop ups and "your pc may be at risk pop up"
from the optimizer pro download. I tried ADWCleaner and within minutes after downloading and running ADWCleaner my pc was good as new! THANK YOU.


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de Romko, (07 octobre 2015)

AdwCleaner really works! I've got rid of some recently appearing very annoying popups in Sea Monkey/


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de Alicia65, (28 septembre 2015)

Roberto JMD Dios te oiga !!!!! yo estoy igual que estabas tú, intentando con mil tutoriales sacar el maldito my StartSearch y no lo logro... le tengo fe al turorial de Taringa, pero no logro descargar el ADW cleaner...