Bonsoir, j'ai une question, surement débile mais bon je tente ! A la fin du scan est-ce qu'on peut tout nettoyer car je ne sais pas forcément à quoi correspond chaque service/fichier/dossier and co, et j'ai peur de supprimer des choses qu'il ne faut pas (comme j'ai pu lire dans certains commentaires...)
Merci d'avance de votre réponse !
AdwCleaner lists Mipony as a Potentially Unwanted Program, aka PUP; however it is not. When installing Mipony Download Manager, it clearly lists other software which will be installed if you do not uncheck the box, just as many other software programs do. Please remove Mipony from your list of PUPs. As is, I have to uncheck all the little boxes every time I run AdwCleaner. Thank you.
hola gente, tengo un problema con adwcleaner y mi windows 10. cuando trato de instalarlo sale una pantalla de que el sotfware no es puede instalarse. alguien que me pueda ayudar. gracias
Found 41 items in HKLM/Software...but info is in complete,so i don't know if they're safe to remove or also keeps adding the Sendspace and extensions folders all the time,yet I do know there is no malware in either of those. If these issues don't get fixed,I'll have to stop using the program,rather than screw up my computer by deleting something I may need.
Just downloaded this software and already its as buggy as hell:
AutoIt Error.
Line 10570 (file "C:\Users\Peter\Desktop\adware_6.000.exe")
Error: Variable used without being declared.
Can't get it to work, thanks for the headache.
me acabo de actualizar el programa adwcleaner:6.000 y se me bloquea...
Hacia la busqueda de exploradores web(al final del escaneo) me aparece la siguiente ventana:
Autoit error
Line 10570 (File "C:\.........)
Error: Variable used without being declared.
Me podeis ayudar a solucionarlo?
Muchas gracias.
Felicitaciones a los creadores.
Plein de faux positifs surement car non nettoyés au reboot avec cette nouvelle version.
La précédente version ne montrait rien.
Attendons une prochaine MAJ de la database ou du logiciel?
En tout cas, il m'a bien aidé, donc soyons indulgent pour la résolution du pb.
In re: version 6 Didn't scan Firefox (or perhaps scanned it but found nothing) but there is no Firefox tab. 5.x versions showed Chrome and Firefox tabs even if they had no content. (Firefox was running while the scan was running.)
Can't grab the edge of adwcleaner to make its window larger; was possible in 5.x versions
I really appreciate what you do with this program. It's one hell of a program. I do have a suggestion, though:
I've noticed that, the more up-to-date it is, the slower it takes quite some time for it to scan a system, despite using SSDs.
Could you split the scanning process among 4+ cores of the CPU so that the scanning speed is improved? Could you give the software 4 instances with Affinity specifically set to a CPU core? I believe doing that may improve its scanning time, especially on SSDs (which are usually the ones holding the entire Windows installation -> and this last one is what most infection target (Users folder, Windows, Program Data...)
Thank you again for your work on this great tool! No wonder it has so many millions of downloads
Hello from Ontario Canada. Thanks for the tools as always. Here's my bug report for adwcleaner v6.000
AutoIt Error
Line 10570 (File "C:\Users\username*\Downloads\Adwcleaner.exe"):
Error: Variable used without being declared.