
on Audials Music's page

from hiphopafrika, (25 october 2020)

i dnt think ive heard about this music portal, we South Africans are used to <a href=""></a>


on Volume2's page

from patriciabrown, (12 september 2020)

A good app and widget, thanks for recommending I will try using it.


on Administration Finder's page

from thermalspraygun, (22 june 2020)

<a href="">Thermal Spray Gun</a> company manufacture and export all types of spray gun-like thermal spray, <a href="">Powder Flame spray gun</a>, Electric Arc spray, HVOF (High-Velocity Oxy-fuel) Spray Gun, <a href="">Arc Spray Gun</a>, Zinc Spray Gun, etc. Involve high temperatures which ultimately cause frequent wear & tear of parts being used in these spray guns. <a href="">Wire Flame Spray Gun</a> Is having a specialized team of employees who are experts in different manners of Wire Flame Spray Gun Manufacturing technology. Our continuous efforts are directed towards reducing the operational cost of all <a href="">metalizing spray guns</a> without making any compromise in their quality.

See More:
<a href="">Flame Spray Gun</a>
<a href="">Sand Blasting Machine</a>
<a href="">Portable Abrasive Shot Blasting Machine</a>
<a href="">Zinc Spray Gun</a>


on AdwCleaner's page

from fabrice92800, (12 february 2017)


Impossible d ouvrir cette dernière version.
J ai un message à l ouverture de adwcleaner adwcleaner/jump/?ref=adw defaillance irremediable.
Merci de m éclairer car avec la version precedente ca va bien


on AdwCleaner's page

from Beatrice92, (27 november 2016)

this works WONDER!!!! thank you sooo much!! it totally worth downloading!!


on AdwCleaner's page

from bjprice, (17 august 2016)

In re: version 6 Didn't scan Firefox (or perhaps scanned it but found nothing) but there is no Firefox tab. 5.x versions showed Chrome and Firefox tabs even if they had no content. (Firefox was running while the scan was running.)

Can't grab the edge of adwcleaner to make its window larger; was possible in 5.x versions


on Skype AdBlocker's page

from simrick, (09 july 2016)

Works great! Thanks.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (24 may 2016)

Ich war genervt durch das Ständige sich selbst öffnen von Werbefenstern. Außerdem mußte ich immer aufpassen, dass ich nicht zufällig über markierte Wörter mit dem Mauszeiger fuhr, direkt wurde irgendeine Werbung eingeblendet. Anfangs dachte ich, dass muß so sein, weil ich diese Werbefenster immer auf den gleichen Finanz-Nachrichtenseiten hatte. Mit dem ADW Cleaner sind diese Probleme beseitigt. Die Prozedur ging schnell und einfach von statten. Nun hoffe ich, dass das Ergebnis nachhaltig ist.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (17 february 2016)

# AdwCleaner v5.034 - Logfile created 16/02/2016 at 16:13:56
# Database : 2016-02-16.2 [Server]
# Operating system : Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 (x64)

Still issue with generic detections... autoIT error