
on MBrowser's page

from melwin, (29 may 2017)

gamezertruth now my browser does have its own setting options with new themes


on AdwCleaner's page

from Jeffgoal2004, (13 may 2017)

This could be my best adcleaner in the whole world.
Not only it fixes my problem, it gives me advice, too.
I recommended other users who are having adware problems should use this amazing hi-technology adware cleaner


on AdwCleaner's page

from sekula123, (19 april 2017)

Hey I have a problem with adwcleaner.
When i click on scan, they denied me with message "sqlite3.dll is corrupted or has been replaced."
i'm trying to delete it and install again several times, and every time same...


on USB File Resc's page

from ArielCeleste1, (21 march 2017)

100% working, and resrue my important files. thank you USB File Resc. Specially ToolsliB


on AdwCleaner's page

from crimsonrchangel, (01 february 2017)

I am having a most difficult time trying to figure out how to get the text to show up on AdwCleaner, especially in the options and maybe under the pictures on the main Adwcleaner page as no files or any other options are seen. and I believe the other was the Anti-Rootkit where the text only showed up what it was testing and then the 6 red PUPs found and then i could see the file but it was hit and miss on which buttons to press and missed the restart now closing it out and having to self reboot the computer.
Is there an option with windows 10 that I have to click on to help me see these texts?
I have a screen shot as I had seen an admin ask someone to post one earlier on another post i read, but i do not know how to post it into this comment other than I will try to drag and drop it into it before posting.

that did not work, it just made my Jpeg fill my screen with no writing and no post button


on Malwarebytes's page

from Nelda Smith, (01 february 2017)

I cannot get the "Real Time Protection" to turn on and stay on with my Malwarebytes Premium 3.0.6. Free Trial....what is the problem? If the download didn't work and apply to all areas, I definitely will never purchase this protection.


on AdwCleaner's page

from Edman, (12 january 2017)

sqlite3 error when i run this adwcleaner how to fix it


on GlassWire Network Security Monitor & Firewall's page

from Matarese, (08 january 2017)

Now..again,to many similar programs=slows your PC,windows log in,but especially your default Browser because of too much extensions&apps.My Chrome has already the 3 "must have" extensions&apps,and no more...Basta.:)


on AdwCleaner's page

from janjanssens, (31 december 2016)

Thanks to the programmers that developed AdwareCleaner. Now my pc is free from popups (SetupWizard) it was hard to find a program to make my pc normal again.


on AdwCleaner's page

from dzryadh, (25 december 2016)

i have a serious problem i have win 8.1 and my adw cleaner finds like 193 threats and when i click on delete or clean them it crashes and i can't controll my pc anymore .... help

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