
on AdwCleaner's page

from Romko, (21 january 2016)

adwcleaner is a great software and it works! But from time to time I encounter a severe problem: adwcleaner says “adwcleaner_5.027.exe (or _5.030) has encounted a problem and needs to close”. And the file disappears from its location!! When opened from ERD commander, it says “can't load SQLite3.dll, although that SQLite3.dll resides in WINDOWS directory!


on ComboFix's page

from ****, (19 january 2016)

I use Windows 10 operating system (OS) for my HP Laptop. Why i cant use this tool ? Please update..


on AdwCleaner's page

from rega, (19 january 2016)

If path is too long, it crashes (Windows XP). E.g. path "D:\1Test\2Test\3Test\4Test\5Test\6Test\adwcleaner.exe" is too long, but path "D:\1Test\2Test\3Test\4Test\5Test\adwcleaner.exe" is OK.


on AdwCleaner's page

from leodelacruz, (18 january 2016)

Para @lascc61 y todos lo que no les funcione con win 10. Tienen que ir a propiedades del ejecutable, compatibilidad, y elejir compatibilidad con windows 7


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (07 january 2016)

En windows 10 x64 NO SIRVE...a la hora de limpiar,windows 10 se cuelga....


on AdwCleaner's page

from BakuDM, (07 january 2016)

The last update is triggering my SmartScreen (Windows 10) when I click to run it, should I care?


on GlassWire Network Security Monitor & Firewall's page

from cocochepeau, (06 january 2016)

Hello, it interfaces Windows's Firewall with a lot of improvements (network activity monitoring).


on AdwCleaner's page

from corentinc7007, (06 january 2016)

J'ai un gros problème! Mon PC est bourré d'adwares (je cherchais un driver) et depuis, je ne peux plus ouvrir aucun de mes nettoyeurs, et Windows Defender ne supprime rien... Ni CCleaner, MalwareBytes ou mon adwCleaner préféré (v28) ne s'ouvre pas.

Il m'affiche pendant moins d'une seconde le panneau "exécuter en administrateur? oui-Non", se ferme et: "erreur du système de fichiers 1073741819" avec le chemin de mon nettoyeur.
Aidez moi, je vous en prie!


on GlassWire Network Security Monitor & Firewall's page

from ****, (12 december 2015)

so correct me if im wrong, but this software interfaces the existing windows firewall api / controls? so it isnt actually a firewall no? its a cool lookin front end to Windows Firewall? id buy this if the price suited! i know you have a lot of time into this but it is essentially a skin for Win FW ya? thoughts? if it was stand-a-lone i would pay 200. but only then!!!


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (11 december 2015)

Hello Xplode,

The ADWCleaner utility is removing my filtering extension for my antivirus (Webroot).


Thank you,