I posted this before, but nothing has changed. I have not been able to use AdwCleaner since the update to 4.2. All three of my computers hang up on "cleaning web browsers" and must be shut down the hard way: by pushing the button. There is no other way to get the computer to shut down AdwCleaner. I used to be able to run it in a few minutes, and it got rid of everything my other scanners don't catch. Now I can't use it at all. Please fix!
First of all: I Love AdwCleaner. It only deletes the following keys that are used for Exact Globe (See: http://www.exact.nl/ ) HKCU\Software\eXact, HKLM\SOFTWARE\eXact, HKU\.DEFAULT\Software\eXact, HKCY64\Software\eXact. When these are deleted i cannot use the program. After an ''recheck of all files'' it works again.
Je viens de télécharger adwcleaner qui s'est installé correctement sous windows7
Lorsque je lance le scan j'ai le message suivant :
Line 17103
Error :Array variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript dimension range exceeded"
Qu'est-ce que cela signifie ?
Que puis-je faire ?
Good but, it also zaps "mkvtoolnix" desktop icons (i.e. mkvmerge*, mkvextract*) and mkvtoolnix-N.N.N-setup from download folder (not big issue as setup version regularly updated anyway) [XP Prof SP3]
Hello the Team,
It's the first times I download "ADWCLEANER" and it's incompatible with my anti-virus, "AVG Pro". There are pretty much 3 years, I use the "adwcleaner" and now with the version V4.203, it doesn't work well. My anti-virus detected it like a virus for my computer. Is it right? Please let me know your result.
But in any case, now, each times I downloaded it, I can register it on the PC. WEIRD!!!
I installed this program, after I used it I wanted to remove this from my computer, but I can't find it in the list of programs to uninstall. Where can I find the installed program?
C'est la premiere fois que AdwClener ne marche pas sur mon pc j'ai un adware que je n'arrive pas a supprimmer :/
c'est "EnormouSales" si quelqu'un peut m'aider :)
maj v4203 installée ce 02/05/2015 15:00 et fonctionnement impec.
3 fois ces derniers mois que je download Adwcleaner et que je fais un nettoyage sans aucun pb de mon poste.
Merci beaucoup !
Need this in a .zip or .7z format as .exe's are blocked in many places.
OK, problème rectifié, c'est bien désormais la 4203 qui se télécharge et qui fonctionne normalement. (Téléchargée le 02/05/2015 05:43)
Merci xplode.
Et bon W.E. à tous