
on AdwCleaner's page

from assistekinfo, (21 january 2015)

New Malware
Name: Searchult
Action: Change home page of Firefox/Chrome
Location: %UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\Macwebtoise

*Need to close explorer.exe to disinfect


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (19 january 2015)

Good Morning!
I'm trying to uninstall your program. I'm assuming it's a single use program, that is download it when you need it, then, delete it. I'm afraid I don't understand your above term "using the 'mode uninstall.'

I see Adware in my downloads file, but there's no uninstaller. It's not listed in "Programs & Features," so I can't uninstall from there.

I'm trying to get numerous SearchScopes entries OUT of my registry. While I successfully downloaded & ran Adware from Bleeping Computer this morning, when I tried to download from your site, Sonar blocked it. I don't know what Sonar is, so I figure I'd better uninstall, clean out Adware, and do some reading before I try again.

Is the "mode uninstall" a new term/function? Can someone help me understand,please? Appreciativley...


on AdwCleaner's page

from klacy, (18 january 2015)

My adwcleaner failed to remove Vosteran Search which pops up 3 tabs for every one chrome tab. I haven't downloaded any private or personal files on this new computer.....only windows and McAfee updates have been entered. McAfee sent me to adwcleaner. Interesting but also not successful. Help.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (14 january 2015)

Everytime when I do a Scan, I get this thing:

***** [ Taken ] *****

Taak Gevonden : Dealply
Taak Gevonden : DealPlyUpdate
Taak Gevonden : Express FilesUpdate
Taak Gevonden : globalUpdateUpdateTaskMachineCore
Taak Gevonden : globalUpdateUpdateTaskMachineUA
Taak Gevonden : Searchya

I never get ride of it, it always return.
What do I have to do to get ride of it?
Please help!!!!


on AdwCleaner's page

from tonypl6, (11 january 2015)

There are two wrong definitions in the database, please correct that.

***** [ Files / Folders ] *****
Folder Found : C:\Users\%User%\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\0ct1cmlj.default\Extensions\{4cc4a13b-94a6-7568-370d-5f9de54a9c7f}
Folder Found : C:\Users\%User%\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\0ct1cmlj.default\Extensions\{b9db16a4-6edc-47ec-a1f4-b86292ed211d}

Those are two firefox plugins:
Download Helper:
Empty Cache Button:

Of course check that.
I'm running Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x86), Firefox 34.0;
I've donated you three times.
Do that and there will be a fourth.
Thank you!


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (10 january 2015)

Unable to down load this files as all .exe are blocked - do you have a zip/7-zip version?


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (03 january 2015)

I never update my adwcleaner version automatically kicked from the app. I delete the app and I download the new version ONLY here. CNET or other site put their own spices with it that kicked all kind of security messages.


on AdwCleaner's page

from Edelweiss, (31 december 2014)


Bonjour......À votre place, je commencerais par balayer devant ma porte:

Je vous site:

jeangabill a dit il y a environ 12 jours:

Pour la deuxième fois et cette fois avec la version v4.105 ma barre d'outil Google est supprimée.
Obligé de la rétablir avec

Je vois, ni bonjour, ni au votre "Pour la deuxième fois" et de valeur égale à mon commentaire.

Comme disait mon grand-père: parfois il vaut mieux tourner 7 fois sa langue dans sa bouche avant de l'ouvrir.

@Bonne entendeur



on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (28 december 2014)

@rickghouse: I had the exact same error & avast blocked downloading this file from this site!
But having used this app in the past, I clicked on the "External Link" button (under the 'Download' button near top / right of this page, and tried downloading this from . . . success!! Hope this helps.


on AdwCleaner's page

from rickghouse, (27 december 2014)

I downloaded Adwcleaner today from CNET
I got a warning it was out of date, and was directed to a link for the current version
I downloaded the new Adwcleaner and when I tried installing it,
"Avast Antivirus" gave me this warning:
Infection: Win32:Malware-gen

The file was quarantined:

File Name: dwNRRc3h.exe.part
Virus Description: Win32:Malware-gen


