
on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (20 april 2016)

AdwCleaner 5.112 reports the database is corrupt. I've downloaded multiple times directly from
Please check the posted file and advise.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (17 april 2016)

i can't get rid of tradeadexchange urls & arabytracking sites that occasionally popp up in front of me whenever I try to surf the internet


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (11 april 2016)

THANK YOU VERY, VERY MUCH FOR PROVIDING this superb TOOL. I sincerely recommend it to everyone who wants to get rid of the "other instance is running" popup every time you start your Computer because of that "Web Companion” virus that sneaks into your system a s a parasite alongside other apps on the web. On top of wiping away that parasitical Web Companion Crap, AdwCLEARNER is a truly user friendly tool to clean up all kinds of nasty stuff that is floating around on the internet.


on AdwCleaner's page

from UncleSam, (08 april 2016)

UPD. Например в свойствах ярлыка Internet Explorer.lnk который будет находиться по одному из ниже описаных путей будет указан путь "C:\**********\iexplore.bat.exe" вместо правильного "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (03 april 2016)

@adrena please do not put down this program ive been running this windows 7 though windows 10, and yes i used win8 pro and nothing happended, please do not make up things


on Pre_Scan's page

from LeoLios, (02 april 2016)

Oups pardon je me suis tromper de "post".


on TNTCrypter's page

from tonypl6, (01 april 2016)

TNTCrypter is now available!
It comes with the new picture injection module, debugging options, FAQ and even more!

TNTCrypter has exceeded 1300 downloads for a period of 10 months now!
Thanks for supporting the project!

"The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." - Albert Einstein


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (01 april 2016)

Be careful!!!
Adwcleaner ver.5.108
Damage Windows 8.0 Pro.
Possible damage to your computer.
Demage Windows 7 without updating the graphics card.


on AdwCleaner's page

from renald02, (28 march 2016)

version 5.107 et toujours pas de français......Dans la communauté ADWCLEANER, il y a beaucoup plus de français qu'on peut le penser....merci de penser à nous.


on ComboFix's page

from regist, (23 march 2016)

Please note that running this program without supervision can cause your computer to not operate correctly. Therefore only run this program at the request of an experienced helper.