
on WinUpdateFix's page

from janjouf, (31 august 2020)

another solution for English people


on Process_Analyzer's page

from graceallen, (07 july 2020)

Process analyzer is a tool to evaluate the same-name processes running in the network, and to check for malicious components disguised. Both modern Windows versions, beginning with Windows 2000, contain the svchost.exe script, which begins as a system service when it boots up.


on GUW - Guide utile Windows's page

from markford24, (14 may 2019)

Windows is the most popular operating system because it uses all over the world. you can read the guide to learn the windows OS.For instant Support related to the Website Development Company in Delhi please visit for the proper solution.


on WindowsUpdateFixer's page

from markford24, (14 may 2019)

Windows operating system is the best operating system. You can set windows to update fixer by automatically updating the software. For instant support related to the AOL Forgot Password please visit for the proper solution.


on GlassWire Network Security Monitor & Firewall's page

from Streuner, (30 may 2018)

Hi, this version 2.0 present problem at moment of the instalation. A little windows appear. "Cannot find 'MSVCP140.dll'. Please, re-install this application.
The previous version work correctly.


on AdwCleaner's page

from Krunk01, (04 march 2018)

AdwCleaner stops working with Windows 8.1 during Heuristic Analysis phase. Problem does not occur with Windows 10.


on AdwCleaner's page

from Robemm, (20 october 2017)

the current version (adwcleaner_7.0.3.1.exe) will not run on windows 10 64 bit. A user account control message in a window states it has been blocked by an administrator. All installs seem to be blocked.


on AdwCleaner's page

from fr33tux, (04 august 2017)

@Sophia (

Comme indique dans la description, cette version fonctionne sous 32 et 64 bits, pour Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10. Elle fonctionne aussi sous Vista et Windows Server, mais ces derniers ne sont pas officiellement supportes pour le moment.


on AdwCleaner's page

from Sophia, (29 july 2017)

Je viens de voir que la version AdwCleaner 7000 n'est plus pour XP mais qu'à partir de Windows 7
Donc pour les détendeurs d'XP nous n'aurons plus de mise à jour ?
Sympa, ça dénote bien ce que je disais à propos de Malwarebytes, il suffit qu'on devienne minoritaire pour que tout le monde s'en fiche.
Belle journée à tous


on AdwCleaner's page

from Jeffgoal2004, (13 may 2017)

This could be my best adcleaner in the whole world.
Not only it fixes my problem, it gives me advice, too.
I recommended other users who are having adware problems should use this amazing hi-technology adware cleaner

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