Cannot complete scan, gives Autoit error, the version 4.201 sucks.
I am using Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit.
See the screenshot of the error:
Please fix this new problem.
Anyone having issues with the latest version removing ScreenConnect Remote Access Software? ( Is there any way to whitelist this or can we add an permanent exclusion?
Use this program all the time with success, but now running into this issue.
Also, anyway to help support development? Donation?
love adwcleaner, but it doesn't recognize screenconnect as a legitimate program. it removed my ability to access the computer I was working on! can screenconnect be added to the allowed programs asap?
Actually, I get the same behavior on a newly created standard account: welcome, black screen and then logging off. I have Windows 7 Pro 64 bit. Thanks!
Hi, After running AdwCleaner and reboot I cannot log anymore in into my standard Windows 7 account, I get a black screen and then it makes log off. This is an account without password protection. I ran AdwCleaner from inside that standard account, by entering the admin password when asked. Luckily, I can still log in into my admin account. Is there anything to fix this issue? If not, can I undo what AdwCleanr did? Thanks!
@IRON: In Foren werden keine Beiträge gelöscht. War schon immer so und wird auch so bleiben. Vielleicht kommst du drauf, warum das so ist. Es gibt eine "Kennwort vergessen" Funktion. Aber egal, ich spare mir Erklärungen dazu.
M-K-D-B ist tatsächlich beschäftigt mit wichtigeren Dingen. Wie immer irrst du oft mit Dingen, von denen du glaubst eine Ahnung zu haben. Vieles ist und bleib doch eine "Blackbox" für dich.
Ich weise aber hier mal darauf hin, dass das Internet kein rechtsfreier Raum ist und dir kein Urteil über mich mehr anmaßen solltest. Danke für die Aufmerksamkeit. EOD
Can you please include screenconnect in your ignored processes? Just recently adwcleaner started targeting screen connect for removal. This is one of the most popular remote connection utilities out there so you should be able to ignore it. Their site is
Also, I'm surprised so many people are using XP still. I can understand using it on an isolated production system, but for everyone else, I think it's time to move on.
@ben666 Merci pour votre retour, nous allons faire notre possible pour annuler ce blacklistage. En attendant, il suffit de cliquer sur le bouton "Ignorer" lorsque Chrome signale AdwCleaner comme étant un malware potentiel.
Google vous a blacklisté, en effet au téléchargement de Adwcleaner, google chrome dit:
"adwcleaner peut nuire à votre confort de navigation, il a donc été bloqué par chrome"...
Comment peut on bypasser cette interdiction?
I know I asked for this several months ago but, when killing off processes before cleaning, could you whitelist ScreenConnect? I can't express how much I would like to be able to run this program remotely.
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