
on AdwCleaner's page

from klacy, (18 january 2015)

My adwcleaner failed to remove Vosteran Search which pops up 3 tabs for every one chrome tab. I haven't downloaded any private or personal files on this new computer.....only windows and McAfee updates have been entered. McAfee sent me to adwcleaner. Interesting but also not successful. Help.


on AdwCleaner's page

from Groucho, (18 january 2015)

I had a computer that was infected with a browser hijacking called but Adwcleaner didn't pick it up. Maybe you haven't added it to the database so would really appriciate if you did.


on AdwCleaner's page

from toph25, (17 january 2015)


Téléchargement AdwCleaner v.4.108 :

AVG détecte comme menace, Autoriser et déplacé vers Exceptions.

Bon week-end et Meilleurs Vœux 2015 !!!


on AdwCleaner's page

from Aimee, (15 january 2015)

bonjour, je voudrai savoir pourquoi à chaque fois que je veux utiliser Adwcleaner je suis obligée de le retélécharger ? pourquoi il ne s'enregistre pas d


on AdwCleaner's page

from Togijak, (14 january 2015)

Es ist ein eindeutiger Fehler, wenn der AdwCleaner 4.106 HTTPS Everywhere und den Privacy Badger der EFF als potentiellen Schädling erkennt.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (12 january 2015)

Salut à vous,
J'ai actuellement constaté une chose étrange sur AdwCleaner 4.106:
il me détecte le dossier qui contient Adblock comme malveillant:
C:\Users\nom\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\gighmmpiobklfepjocnamgkkbiglidom
Suis-je le seul ?


on AdwCleaner's page

from desplobins, (11 january 2015)

Je tente desesperement depuis deux mois d'activer adwcleaner sur XP Pro et seven mais depuis la sortie de la version 4 104 impossible à executer, même en reprenant les executables des versions qui avaient fonctionne il y a deux mois environ


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (08 january 2015)

Thank you for creating and continuing to update AdwCleaner. My 68 year old neighbor called me asking for help removing what turned out to be "Ads by CheckMeUp". Your software worked perfectly, and even found and resolved another issue as well. I am going to donate to help you continue your efforts. It's not a lot, but i hope everyone you help is able to donate something...thanks again!


on AdwCleaner's page

from GLE, (08 january 2015)

Bonne année a tous,

Votre avis svp.
Google Chrome me "refuse" le téléchargement depuis votre site toolslib : " adwcleaner_4.107.exe peut nuire à votre confort de navigation, il a donc été bloqué par Chrome."
Y a t'il un probleme ?
Nb: le téléchargement a partir de bleepingcomputer se passe sans soucis !
Merci par avance d'une réponse et bonne journée


on AdwCleaner's page

from BringBackDOS, (06 january 2015)

Happy New Year!

This program is wonderful. It does a Great Job! Is AdwCleaner... Portable? ...if not, can you make a Portable Version of it? Thanks! John V. B. / ToolsLib ID: BringBackDos