
on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (04 november 2015)

Bonjour et merci pour ce formidable logiciel que je propose à mes membres.
Attention le 5.017 ne détecte pas le PC reviver.

Voici le peu d'info trouvé :


on AdwCleaner's page

from SPARTACUS, (29 october 2015)

I only joined her to voice my opinion about AdwCleaner. I was sent to this site saying it will help remove bad extension i had in chrome browser. well let me tell you it found none but it went on to remove other perfectly good programs i had that had nothing to do with chrome. Some are some i used for years and can not download again. Thanks AdwCleaner.... for nothing! My recommendations to everyone.. DO NOT USE!! unless you want to lose more then you wanted too. Thank you.


on AdwCleaner's page

from cocochepeau, (17 october 2015)

Rappel : pour toute demande de support, rendez-vous ici :


on AdwCleaner's page

from stevenxavier1976, (15 october 2015)

Hola: Alicia65 solucionaste el problema? Si no lo solucionaste pasame tu mail y te mando el programa, yo lo pude descargar. Mi mail es: Saludos.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (13 october 2015)

Unfortunately ADW cleaner was not able to find Buzzdock ads and High stairs ads. All other ads where removed perfectly! I really like this program.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (11 october 2015)

Just wanted to say ADWCleaner is AWESOME and really works!!!. I was having issues with my pc, realized Optimizer Pro had been downloaded to my pc. Was getting a lot of unwanted pop ups and "your pc may be at risk pop up"
from the optimizer pro download. I tried ADWCleaner and within minutes after downloading and running ADWCleaner my pc was good as new! THANK YOU.


on AdwCleaner's page

from Psajko, (04 october 2015)

All these keys are related to codecs (AC3Filter and DirectVobSub), so I think this is a false positive detection.
Key Found : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{363F46BE-27B4-4C8D-99E7-B1E049B84376}
Key Found : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{525F116F-04AD-40A2-AE2F-A0C4E1AFEF98}
Key Found : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{90A9B7D2-3794-45EA-9E23-140E3938D2D9}
Key Found : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{9852A670-F845-491B-9BE6-EBD841B8A613}
Key Found : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{A753A1EC-973E-4718-AF8E-A3F554D45C44}
Key Found : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{ACE4747B-35BD-4E97-9DD7-1D4245B0695C}
Key Found : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{CE77C59C-CFD2-429F-868C-8B04D23F94CA}
Key Found : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{F544E0F5-CA3C-47EA-A64D-35FCF1602396}
Key Found : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{02AFA80F-4BEE-41FD-8572-214B58A9EF90}


on AdwCleaner's page

from Alicia65, (28 september 2015)

Roberto JMD Dios te oiga !!!!! yo estoy igual que estabas tú, intentando con mil tutoriales sacar el maldito my StartSearch y no lo logro... le tengo fe al turorial de Taringa, pero no logro descargar el ADW cleaner...


on AdwCleaner's page

from Alicia65, (28 september 2015)

no logro descargarlo, cuando pincho en descargar me pone
Gracias por su descarga
AdwCleaner v5.009
SHA-256 checksum : 84c889b058dbc394695d37b98ec3174c676bf76140430bb603df12e3811dd365
Su descarga comenzará en 5 segundos... pero nunca comienza a descargar, que puedo hacer ???? lo necesito desesperadamente para quitar el mystartsearch de mis navegadores.... Help !!


on AdwCleaner's page

from sbachhas, (28 september 2015)

I noticed AdwCleaner is detecting 'Adobe Flash Player Updater' under Scheduled Tasks. This is a legitimate Adobe Flash Updater task and should be fixed.

AdwCleaner v5.009
Database : 2015-09-27.1 [Server]