
on AdwCleaner's page

from Romko, (07 october 2015)

AdwCleaner really works! I've got rid of some recently appearing very annoying popups in Sea Monkey/


on AdwCleaner's page

from Alicia65, (28 september 2015)

no logro descargarlo, cuando pincho en descargar me pone
Gracias por su descarga
AdwCleaner v5.009
SHA-256 checksum : 84c889b058dbc394695d37b98ec3174c676bf76140430bb603df12e3811dd365
Su descarga comenzará en 5 segundos... pero nunca comienza a descargar, que puedo hacer ???? lo necesito desesperadamente para quitar el mystartsearch de mis navegadores.... Help !!


on AdwCleaner's page

from thibault_42, (12 september 2015)

Bonjour, utilisateur d'AdwCleaner depuis longtemps, je n'ai jamais eu de bugs. Vous faites beaucoup de mises à jours (et c'est très bien, personnellement je les installe toujours) et je pense avoir un idée pour une prochaine version. Sur le logiciel, il y a l'onglet "Scanner", "Nettoyer", "Rapport" et "Désinstaller" et pourquoi pas l'onglet "Mise à jour", qui amène l'utilisateur sur cette page ? ( pour directement télécharger une version plus récente !!!


on AdwCleaner's page

from QuanNHd, (05 september 2015)

Thank group development.
You have one tool user support is great. However, recently I saw many Adware has improved faster, harder to remove and seek more, we create multiple folders and files in the% Appdata% and programdata that Adwcleaner not removed thoroughly, besides lots other offer inserted directly to the browser, it's difficult to find the file, you have any plans for this problem yet?
Hopefully we will soon be put into the software to uninstall completely. Good luck.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (03 september 2015)

I would like to personally thank you guys, I have had a nasty piece of adware on my pc for a long time, and I had finally snapped! I couldn't find any help online, then someone discreetly commented adwcleaner! I could not believe this didn't come up anywhere else and it instantly solved my problem! Thanks alot.

BTW - The adware was called DNS.Keeper. Brutal stuff!


on AdwCleaner's page

from regist, (26 august 2015)

@irinaandrusenko, в версии 5.х очень много изменений, в том числе появились и новые фразы. Поэтому как вы наверно заметили переводы добавляются по мере того, как пришлют разработчикам перевод фраз для новой версии. В следующей версии думаю русский язык уже будет :).
@irinaandrusenko, in version 5.x a lot of changes, including new phrases. Therefore, as you probably noticed translations are added as developers to receive the translation of phrases for the new version. In the next version I think the Russian language will already :)


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (24 august 2015)

Buenas,el programa me esta lanzando un error a la hora de culminar el análisis.
Me dice lo siguiente: line 16818
error: variable uses without bebing declares
Luego solicita aceptar y se cierra.
¿Qué sera? Ayúdenme,Este programa es buenísimo lo necesito.


on AdwCleaner's page

from wimmcard, (23 august 2015)

hola, descargué el adwcleaner 5.003, y al momento de comenzar la limpieza, llegando cuando dice eliminando accesos directos aparece el siguiente error:
line 16818
error: variable uses without bebing declares
solicita aceptar y el programa se cierra, debo mencionar que es la primera vez que el programa falla, siempre lo he actualizado cuando el programa me lo pide y nunca, hasta hoy había tenido problemas, ojalá puedan solucionar éste inconveniente ya que es un programa muy muy bueno


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (03 june 2015)

im using this software to my hearts content, however, my father has recently got the 'ad by jak' adware on his computer, and it seems that adwcleaner cant remove it. could you update it so it can also remove 'ad by jak'? thank you.


on AdwCleaner's page

from kshepherd, (29 may 2015)

Xplode, thank you for a great tool. Recently I came across a malware auto-reinstaller that AdwCleaner v4.205 does not detect. I completely removed it using Malwarebytes Anti-Malware program.
Log files (and any other data ) available upon request.
Here are the details:
AdwCleaner removed all malware, but it would reinstall after about 5 minutes. I do not know which was the undetected culprit, but here is a list of everything Malwarebytes removed:
PUP.Optional.MultiPlug.Gen, PUP.Optional.ModGoog, PUP.Optional.GigaClicks.A, PUP.Optional.SearchProtect, PUP.Optional.EduApp.A, PUP.Optional.GigaClicks.C, PUP.Optional.Infonaut.A, PUP.Optional.SuperClick.A, PUP.Optional.CrossRider.C, PUP.Optional.Coupoon.A, PUP.Optional.CinemaPlus.A, PUP.Optional.Shopperz.A,PUP.Optional.MBot.A,PUP.Optional.GamesDesktop.A,PUP.Optional.MultiPlug.A,PUP.Optional.CrossBrowse.C,PUP.Optional.BundleInstaller.A,PUP.Optional.SearchProtect.A,PUP.Optional.GlobalUpdate.A,PUP.Optional.Trovi.A,PUP.Optional.Appmgr.A,PUP.Optional.JellySplit.Gen.A,PUP.Optional.Tuto4PC.A,PUP.Optional.SmartWeb.A,PUP.Optional.CrossBrowse, PUP.Optional.CrossRider.A,PUP.Optional.Imali.SID.A,PUP.Optional.Bundle,PUP.Optional.CheckOffer, PUP.Optional.BrowseFox, PUP.Optional.OfferInstaller.C,PUP.Optional.PCOptimizerPro,PUP.Optional.WebBar.A,PUP.Optional.Tuto4PC.A,