
on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (12 november 2014)

When I used this before via remote sessions on logmein, I would run it and everything went fine. Lately however I noticed that after the cleanup at the end it cuts me off from the internet connection with the remote computer. The remote user now has to press "ok" twice and then their pc reboots then I'm connected again, and it didn't do that before. Can you update this to go back to how it was please?


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (12 november 2014)

I downloaded the 4101 version and it does not run (Windows 7 user administrator). I run an earlier version (3311) and ok. The baidu virus was installed (there is software to manage and prevent unauthorized user facilities?) And I think he (even removed the 3311 version) is preventing version 4.101 to perform. Any tips?
Thanks, Er - Brazil


on AdwCleaner's page

from Passant, (10 november 2014)

à cocochepeau
Suite votre msg d'il y a env. 12 jours
Avec mes excuses pour le retard de la réponse, la clé de registre concernée était:

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\LowRegistry\DOMStorage\Total

Nota: v4.100 et v.4101= RAS


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (10 november 2014)

It is still blocking Logmein.. could you please check that too?


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (09 november 2014)

After I run the download and scan I get all these boxes with check marks. The sentence at the top tells me to uncheck any I don't want deleted. I fact, they are important files and I do not want to delete them. I just wanted to clean them. Do I uncheck all then proceed or? Thanks. JR


on AdwCleaner's page

from Xplode, (09 november 2014)

A tout ceux qui ont le message "Database corrupted" , sachez que je suis en ce moment en train de bosser dessus :-)


on AdwCleaner's page

from fr33tux, (09 november 2014)

Duracell : L'outil fallback automatiquement sur ses propres signatures s'il l'ordinateur ne possède pas de connexion internet.
Si ce n'est pas le cas, merci de nous le signaler :)


on AdwCleaner's page

from p060477, (09 november 2014)

dear Mr Xplode..NEW Version..4.1, is STILL NOT compatible with win XP
now the error line is in 2057, before was in 1971..,but yr tool is STILL NOT working
with lots of s.o.
so pls would you be so very kind in testing BEFORE it or alternately
pls CANCELL the phrase you state:
"It's compatible with Windows XP"
because is a LIE
we really hope to finaly see yr tool workin in the NEAR future
for yr knowledge the old vers 3.3 WORKS very well with XP
so it should be a good base for yr improving, shouldn't it..??


on AdwCleaner's page

from Duracell, (08 november 2014)

Toujours aussi bon, mais j'aurais aimé que l'on puisse avoir encore une version qui embarque ses propres signatures, parce que quand on doit dépanner une bécane qui n'a aucune connexion intenet, précisément à cause des programmes pour la suppression desquels ADWCleaner a été créé. Possible?

Ou alors pouvoir télécharger en standalone les signatures?

Merci de faire suivre. C'est un sérieux handicap à ce programme naguère sublime et qui maintenant n'est qu'excellent.


on AdwCleaner's page

from e-miel, (08 november 2014)

AdwCleaner a bien supprimé OfferBox de mon PC (merci beaucoup) mais n’a pas rétabli les paramètres de connexion à internet : OfferBox s'était mis en serveur proxy dans le navigateur Internet Explorer (donc aussi dans Firefox qui reprend les paramètres d'Internet Explorer) donc je n'avais plus de connexion à internet après avoir exécuté AdwCleaner.

AdwCleaner a aussi voulu supprimer ces 3 raccourcis (j'ai évidemment refusé) :
- C:\Users\PC\Desktop\CIC.lnk
- C:\Users\PC\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\CIC.lnk
- C:\Users\PC\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar\CIC.lnk

Pour info, les 3 raccourcis CIC.lnk contiennent :
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Silverlight\sllauncher.exe"

Merci pour votre investissement dans ce formidable outil qu'est AdwCleaner, bonne continuation.