pas d'icone ZHPFix sur mon bureau , juste celle de ZHP Diag
je ne pourrais reprendre le nettoyage que ce soir
merci d'avance
pas d'icone ZHPFix sur mon bureau , juste celle de ZHP Diag
je ne pourrais reprendre le nettoyage que ce soir
merci d'avance
Il y a effectivement plusieurs éléments à supprimer :
Script ZHPFix
G2 - GCE: Preference [User Data\Default] [lkadffjmnaiokkdncgdlecdegajoiemi] CinemaP-1.9cV26.08
G2 - GCE: Preference [User Data\Default] [moaoekpigopfefmpegieoggokoncnmbn] Ad...
j'ai lancé plusieurs fois le logiciel ADWcleaner , mais mon PC demeure infecté
quelqu'un peut il m'aider
merci d'avance
thxs so much indeed for yr great and very useful job!
could you pls explain in simple words, as you were talkin with a new born child,
this two options:
thxs so much again in advance for yr very kind and patienceable helping!
Documentation d'AdwCleaner v6.
Valide pour la version 6.043
AdwCleaner est un outil visant à supprimer adware (programmes publicitaires), PUP/LPIs (programmes potentiellement indésirables), toolbar (barres d'outils greffées au navigateur), hijacker (détournement de la page de démarrage du navigateur)... Cette documentation a pour but de détailler les différentes possibilités d'...
Greetings :)
Hi all, i got a simple question, maybe it's stupid, but I would like to know. I notice that when AdwCLeaner ends scan, the "Cleaning" button it is clickable, even it's not found anything. Simple as that, I'd like to know if i should press button anyway, or i can exit program? I write this because i remember that until very recently, when AdwCleaner found nothing, the Cleaning but...
Hi all, i got a simple question, maybe it's stupid, but I would like to know. I notice that when AdwCLeaner ends scan, the "Cleaning" button it is clickable, even it's not found anything. Simple as that, I'd like to know if i should press button anyway, or i can exit program? I write this because i remember that until very recently, when AdwCleaner found nothing, the Cleaning button stay not cl...