Protection for Android

dans Backup+ par kanlearn2

Can I expect ANY more of Malwarebytes Software products specifically for my Android Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1? 

Re: I want to install win 10?

dans Windows par cocochepeau


You won't be able to keep your current Windows 8 installation when running a basic upgrade to Windows 10. On the other hand, you could download the Windows 10 ISO using the upgrade software and try to install it beside you current Windows 8 (it requires to create a disk partition) but I do not recommend doing such a thing.

Instead, just give a try to Windows 10 and if you want to g...

Re: Désinfection de tapsnake, cronDNS, Dubfishiw


S'il t'affiche un numéro de téléphone, n'appelle pas (c'est peut-être un peu bête comme conseil mais certains le font et se sont avoir, je ne connais pas ton niveau).



  • Télécharge et lance AdwCleaner (de ToolsLib / Malwarebytes), choisis l'option Analyser.
  • Une fois le scan terminé, choisis l'option Nettoyer.
  • Redémarre le PC comme demandé, héberge le rapport sur pjjoint.malekal...

Re: adwcleaner ne veut pas nettoyer


Le logiciel a fini par passer. Il a fait son nettoyage.

AdwCleaner - Logfile created on Sun Nov 05 18:16:22 2017 # Updated on 2017/27/10 by Malwarebytes # Running on Windows 10 Home (X64) # Mode: clean # Support:

***** [ Services ] *****

No malicious services deleted.

***** [ Folders ] *****

Deleted: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\St...

The tool couldn't kill the adware


I have used the tool trying to remove an adware, but no results.

Here is the link of the malicious file:



It looks like the malicious URL doesn't download the file now, so i uploaded the file here.

Update 2:

After some investigation, it turned out that proxy settings have been manipula...

Re: Win XP support

dans AdwCleaner par Chester

Signed in just to show support for all the windows embedded POSReady systems based on XP out there, which are still being updated until april 2019.

Why is that every single person thinks that if there is an old working machine somewhere it should be definitely full of viruses? That's really annoyin...

Re: Impossible de supprimer Nophilos.exe

dans AdwCleaner par Destrio5


Attention : tu dois prendre la version compatible avec ton système : 32 ou 64 bits.

32 ou 64 bits - Comment savoir ?

  • Lance FRST (Sous Windows Vista/7/8/10, clic droit sur FRST > Exécuter en tant qu'administrateur).
  • Coche la case Addition.txt.
  • Clique sur le bouton Analyser.
  • Une fois le scan terminé, deux rapports FRS...

Required Registries Removed?

I recently did scans that removed the listed registry files. Will this cause problems, or are they safe to remove?


PUP.Optional.Legacy, [Key] - HKU\S-1-5-21-1745523471-2157326767-3355521870-1000-{ED1FC765-E35E-4C3D-BF15-2C2B11260CE4}-09242017083000032\Software\Host App Service

PUP.Optional.Legacy, [Key] - HKU\S-1-5-21-1745523471-2157326767-3355521870-1000-{ED1FC765-E35E-4C3D-BF15-2C2B11260...

Major difficulties with AdwCleaner v.

dans AdwCleaner par notnats

I am helping a friend clean a grossly infected computer. Windows 10. Uses McAfee AV.

He ran Malwarebytes 3 without difficulty and it cleaned with no problem at all. I do have the log if needed but cannot find a way to attach the text file

He then attempted to use AdwCleaner v. but it would not complete cleaning and received a box with notification that a problem had stopped the clean....

Re: Problème erreur avec ADWCleaner


Pouvez-vous partager le rapport d'analyse de AdwCleaner ?


cocochepeau, 2017-09-22 16:56:49 (UTC)


Je vous partage le rapport ........... ;)  Toujours le même problème au nettoyage.  

# AdwCleaner - Logfile created on Fri Sep 22 18:52:08 2017 # Updated on 2017/29/08 by Malwarebytes  # Database: 09-20-2017.1 # Running on Windows 10 Enterprise Insider Previ...