Re: Nettoyage Général

on Désinfection by ****


Voici le dernier rapport :

Et le problème n'est que sur chrome, j'ai essayé une désinstalation réinstalation mais ça n'a pas stoppé le problème. Je passe donc par Firefox mais bon si il y a moyen de virer ce qui fait ça ^^


Ah et j'oubliais, impossible de mettre adblock et WebOfTrust sous FIrefox, il ya ça : "le module complémentaire n'a pas pu...

Re: Windows 10 Crashing


Same as here we'll need the list of running processes :

  1. Launch Powershell from the Applications Menu
  2. Write the following command in the opened window and press [Enter] :
Get-Process | Out-File Processes.txt


 In your personal folder (C:\Users\xx), you should get a file called Processes.txt. Please paste it here or host it on Up2Share as before.


Re: besoin aide


Ok. Trois autres lignes à supprimer :

  1. Exécutez ZHPFix (l'icône doit être présente sur votre bureau)
  2. Cliquez sur "Importer"
  3. Collez dans la fenêtre le contenu suivant, puis cliquez sur GO
Script ZHPFix

G2 - GCE: Preference [User Data\Default] [mgamelhnfokapndfdodnmfiningckjia]  mgamelhnfokapndfdodnmfiningckjia
P2 - EXT FILE: (...) -- C:\Users\Patrick\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox...

Re: New user - puzzling behaviour

on AdwCleaner by ****

Thanks for the reply, but it leaves my main points unanswered.


But has you said, at least this folder doesn't exists any more and that's just what we want. :)"

No, I said the opposite! I did not want this entire folder removed, with its many subfolders.

Nor do I understand you explanation about 'duplicates'. I asked why the first line 'Folder deleted' is contradicted by the ...

Re: New user - puzzling behaviour

Greetings terrypin,

first of all, sorry for the delay of my answer.

1. Deleted folder

I don't understand how I should interpret these entries: ***** [ Folders ] *****

[-] Folder Deleted : C:\Docs\radio
[!] Folder Not Deleted : C:\Docs\radio
[!] Folder Not Deleted : C:\Docs\radio

terrypin, 2015-09-14 07:46:49 (UTC)

Folder is deleted one time but AdwCleaner just made some duplicates by mi...

ADWcleaner looking for non existent hard drive

I've been using this software for years.  Today I ran it and it said "There is no disc in the drive.  Please insert a disk into Drive Device/hardisk/DR2".


I have tried running ADWC several times, including downloading it.  Checked my computer drives (C & D (data)) and they are fine.  Have no idea what this means.  To add insult to injury the only way to delete this popup is to use file mana...

Re: besoin aide


voici le lien pour le rapport :

Re: Nettoyage Général

on Désinfection by ****


Mon PC est un Sony Vaio VPCEH3K1E; 

Pour l'heure, c'est parce que j'ai vu que le problème des https barrés vennait souvent de là sur différents forum... 


Voici pour le rapport :


New user - puzzling behaviour

on AdwCleaner by ****


Just installed AdwCleaner v5.007 and ran it for first time.

I've uploaded the report here:

I'd appreciate advice on three points please:

1. Deleted folder

I don't understand how I should interpret these entries: ***** [ Folders ] *****

[-] Folder Deleted : C:\Docs\radio
[!] Folder Not Deleted : C:\Docs\radio
[!] Fold...