bloquer par ladministrateur

bonjour jai un virus sur mon ordi est je ne peut pas executer adwcleaner car ladministrateur la verouillier comment faire pour deverouillier ladministrateur merci

Re: Anti-Virus publishers Blocked??


Can you please execute this software?

To use it, simply execute AVCertClean.exe.

A logfile will open at the end, please host it on and share the link in your next reply.


Re: Anti-Virus publishers Blocked??


We are working on that, I'm trying to send you a fix today.

Anti-Virus publishers Blocked??

Somehow alot of anti-virus publisher certificates have been blocked by my laptop, there are some that I havent even installed yet (But somehow it is there).

When I try to remove it from the list it comes back.....Imgur link

I cant install any kind of anything at the moment.....

Re: Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?

Hi, today I had the first "real" bluescreen after 11th april.

Boot > manually update CID database (in a few secvonds since the defs has been updated yesterday) > end of downloading process > bluescreen BAD_POOL_CALLER 0x000000C2 !! 

Reboot: CIS updates has not been installed! CIS is now dowloading a big database file: 270MB!! In CIS scanner folder the file "bxxxxxxx.cav" cannot be deleted sin...

Re: Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?

B was clean.

A solution would be to move from Comodo to MB3 if you still encounter this issue again when Comodo installed :)

Please keep me informed!

Re: Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?

Hi, ok I delete frst.exe and generated logs from A_Laptop. It is a miracle that all is ok here after 5 years. Great. B-Desktop: I am able to boot for a month with Comodo installed without problems. To be sure I would have to unistall CIS for *at least* one month (better two) to see if the hang happens even without CIS. Perhaps we could leave this misterious issue unresolved, after all - if this...

Re: adwcleaner, same 6 threats, all from chrome

See, I don't have a chrome account, my son does, he is not here, la, la, la; eventually he will come home.

Re: Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?


- DesktopB: Can you fully uninstall Comodo and reboot a few times?

- LaptopA: yes, you can snapshot this system.


Re: adwcleaner, same 6 threats, all from chrome


Ok. Just follow these instructions and you should succeed:

Best regards,