You can find some more details here: https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/197749-advanced-system-care-10/#comment-1108877
You can find some more details here: https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/197749-advanced-system-care-10/#comment-1108877
Qu'entendez-vous pas "j'ai réinstallé AdwCleaner" ?
Vous n'arrivez plus à lancer CCleaner, Malwarebytes, .. ?
Can you please try to uncheck the following element (in the folders tab) and then press the clean button.
Please, tell me what happens.
depuis 8 jours AdwCleaner me signale deux menaces:
***** [ Services ] *****Service trouvé: DrvAgent64
***** [ Fichiers ] *****Fichier trouvé: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\drivers\DRVAGENT64.SYS
-1- une recherche dans System Lookup n'indique rien d'anormal:
Name Filename Description Status DrvAgent64 DrvAgent64.SYS Related to DrvAgent64.SYS DriverAgent Direct I/O for 64-bit Windows from P...
Hello, good day to everyone.
Liina, you're right. USB File Resc was designed to be used on removable disks, usually do not have a range of letters so far from normal, causing them to be limited from letter D to S. Most of the time, removable disks are assigned letters D, E, F, H, I. It is an idea that we have had since we started with this project and so far only you have noticed, what a good ...
Je tiens à dire que j'ai réinstaller AdwCleaner et lorsque je le lance il ne marche pas.j'ai tenté CCleaner (aucune réponse) ,MalwareBytes (Aucune réponse ou "Unable to connect to Service lors du démarrage) ,Windows defender (msascui.exe ne prend pas en charge)
Thanks for the quick respose. Here's the link:
The file wasn't a .log file like you said, rather a Text Document, it had the same name though. Hope it's what you need.
Bonjour ,
Lorsque je lance AdwCleaner il m'indique : sqlite3.dll est corrompu.Je n'ai aucune indication sur celà à part que mes autres anti-virus ne fonctionnent pas.
Please do as follow:
Wait until it crashes. Then, just close AdwCleaner through the Task manager. A debug logfile should be available here: C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner_Debug.log.
Please share it using Up2Sha.re. Just copy/paste the generated link in your next answer.