Re: downloading software


Currently, the software is called "adwcleaner_6.044".

It ahould have been downloaded in your Desktop folder or Downloads.



For now we won't remove it from the database, but please share evidences if you think the behaviour is clean.

Best regards,

Re: software inoperable


You probably want to click on the [Scan] button before opening the log manager.

Best regards,

downloading software

Today I downloaded malwareadwcleaner. Now on my computer files I do not see any  files by that name. What  are the file names of this software that resides on my file list to indicate that the program has been properly downloaded?

software inoperable

I downloade malwarebytes adwcleaner today. After downloading I was prompted to click on logfiles. I did so but nothing happened and I could not proceed.  Why did that happen and whar does that mean?


Dear developers,

I am using software that is a P2P software and AdwCleaner delete everything related to it, but I need them

Is it possible to whitelist them


Here the log file regarding these files that I had to exclude manually


***** [ Folders ] *****

[!] Folder not deleted: C:\Users\Filippo\AppData\LocalLow\.acestream [!] Folder not deleted: C:\Users\Filippo\Ap...

Wise Registry Cleaner detecté comme menace

Salut à tous,

Je viens de faire l'analyse avec la version adwcleaner_6.044.

Résultat: 5 menaces détectées, toutes concernant le programme Wise Registry Cleaner.

***** [ Dossiers ] *****

Dossier trouvé:  C:\Users\jean\AppData\Roaming\Wise Registry Cleaner Dossier trouvé:  C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Wise Registry Cleaner Dossier trouvé:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Wise\W...

Not able to install MBAM

I have installed the first time, 2 weeks ago, the free trial of Malwarebytes, in 4 days the free trial shall expire.

Tonight I tried to open malwarebytes for a check and it was not possible.

So I decided to reinastall mallwarebytes, I could download the software without any problem but when 

 it starts to install on my PC after 5 seconds I get a message that a fault has occured and that it c...

Re: when a new vers update of adwcleaner?


We're doing our best to provide fully working updates, and it takes time (tests, internal feedbacks, translations..). Obviously, many things happen in the background. We will never publish a new release every 15 days just because we have to increase the version number. It doesn't make sense.

As fr33tux said:

  • the database is still updated nearly daily to include new definitions wi...

Re: when a new vers update of adwcleaner?


There are two points about it, but nothing related to a quality degradation:

  • we are working on the next major release, that's why we've decided to reduce the update publications.
  • the database is still updated nearly daily to include new definitions without requiring a full software update.

Please let us know if you need a specific feature request or anything else.
