AdwCleaner doesn't have (yet ?) a resident protection. It only works through Scan/Clean buttons.
AdwCleaner doesn't have (yet ?) a resident protection. It only works through Scan/Clean buttons.
I want to know if AdwCleaner works on my computer for the protection even if I dont do the scan.
Have a great day
Après tests, l'élément est effectivement retiré des détections.
Désolé de la gêne occasionnée,
Happens to me also. Bugcheck contains generic error. Used Last version, no issues. FYI
Thank you. I have a question how do I make the maximize the screen or make it bigger? I can't seem to see what is below scan, clean, and logfile.
nancyp604, 2016-08-19 17:31:25 (UTC)
Adwcleaner détecte Roboform comme un spyware et propose de nettoyer la base de registre :
C'est manifestement un faux positif !!
Comment faire en sorte qu'il ne me le propose pas à chaque analyse ,
Merci à vous
Thank you. I have a question how do I make the maximize the screen or make it bigger? I can't seem to see what is below scan, clean, and logfile.
Merci - thank you
May you try a check with MBAM first ?