Re: adwcleaner not able to remove jhdbca

Thank you but this is not what I was expecting.

Can you please share the cleaning logfile? Please, do as follow:

  • Launch AdwCleaner;
  • Click on "Logfile" button;
  • Navigate to "Clean" tab and then double-click on the most recent entry from the list;
  • Finally, copy/past its content in your next answer.

Thanks again!


Re: bugfixxer binessentials wininfos winessential


Sorry for the late answer.

Firstly, I'll need you to run a scan with AdwCleaner:

  • Download AdwCleaner from here:
  • Launch it and then click on "Scan" button;
  • At the end of the scan, a logfile will be generated;
  • Please, click on "Logfile" button;
  • Then, double-click on the most recent entry from the list and past its content...

Re: adwcleaner not able to remove jhdbca

 Thank you and please find the logfile as requested.

# AdwCleaner v6.030 - Logfile created 22/10/2016 at 17:30:02
# Updated on 19/10/2016 by Malwarebytes
# Database : 2016-10-22.1 [Server]
# Operating System : Windows 10 Home  (X64)
# Username : Robin 
# Running from : C:\Users\Robin\Downloads\downloads\adwcleaner_6.030.exe
# Mode: Scan
# Support :


Re: Cannot remove Bing from Firefox, even with ADWCleaner (this reposted from Toolslib)

Hello cocochepeau,

Yes thanks, things appear to be good now. And I intend to browse this site often to keep up with things. When I buy a premium malware scanner it will definitely be Malwarebytes.

Best wishes,


Re: Folder deleted by mistake


Please tell me if you need more details.


Re: Adwcleaner Bericht


I'll answer in english, please tell me if this is a problem.

Can you please share the full scan logfile generated by AdwCleaner? To do so, launch AdwCleaner and then click on "Logfile" button. You should then be able to find the needed logfile.

Thank you.


Re: Adwcleaner bloqué a "analyse des navigateurs"


Pouvez-vous retenter toute la manipulation décrite, mais cette fois-ci en mode Debug ? Ceci devrait nous aider à identifier le problème rencontré. Voici la marche à suivre:

  • Lancez AdwCleaner;
  • Cliquez sur "Outils" puis "Options" dans le menu en haut;
  • Positionnez la case à cocher sur "Debug" dans l'encart "Mode";
  • Lancez une analyse / nettoyage jusqu'à ce que le problème que vous ave...

Re: adwcleaner not able to remove jhdbca


Can you please share the full cleaning logfile? Thanks.


Re: Cannot remove Bing from Firefox, even with ADWCleaner (this reposted from Toolslib)


Thanks for the details, detections has been added to database.

Everything is ok now?

adwcleaner not able to remove jhdbca

I have several times tried to clean the following, but has never been successful and my start menu froze, microfost edge open with blue screen and not able to click on my date and time, I have also lost my PDF and LibreOffice, 

Adware is not able to clean these files 

Key Found:  HKU\S-1-5-18\Software\jhdbca
Key Found:  HKLM\SOFTWARE\jhdbca
Key Found:  [x64] HKLM...