By the way, I've run Malwarebytes several times (including treating PUP and PUMs as malware) and have come up completely clean. Only AdwCleaner is listing these five items as "threats."
By the way, I've run Malwarebytes several times (including treating PUP and PUMs as malware) and have come up completely clean. Only AdwCleaner is listing these five items as "threats."
Ditto the above two registry entries for OpcMp4Player,
Are they false positives? they are part of Sony Sonic Stage on my PC, a legit program that I have installed.
Now I've used the newest AdwCleaner version 6.0.1 and got 5 errors. My computer is running fine so I'm hesitant to delete these without knowing exactly what they are. Can you tell me, one-by-one, what these threats are precisely? I'd really appreciate it.
I believe the first four are related to Sony software on my Vaio.
Thank you.
***** [ Registry ] *****
Hello again.
Now I've used the newest version 6.0.1 and got 5 errors. My computer is running fine so I'm hesitant to delete these without knowing exactly what they are. Can you tell me, one-by-one, what these threats are precisely? I think the first four are related to Sony software running on my Vaio.
By the way, Malwarebytes scans come up as completely clean.
Thank you.
***** [ Registry ]...
Vielen Dank für die Rückmeldung.
Bonjour, Voilà, c'est fait en espèrant que cela va vous éclairer. En tout cas merci d'essayer. Cordialement.
nun habe ich die 6.01 verwendet und es wurden keine Bedrohungen gefunden.
Vielen Dank.
Beste Grüße
Super, MKDB, danke. Das werde ich versuchen. Mir war bisher nur bekannt, daß es die Version 6.00 gibt.
Viele Grüße
Bonjour à tous,
Me revoila,
J'ai acheté Rebit 5 hier, et une fois installé, le lecteur virtuel "Rebit 5" est recconu sur l'explorer, mais en lançant l'application, message d'erreur "aucun disque dans le lecteur T", avec au choix ignorer/annuler/reessayer et rebit se lance pas,
2 autres problèmes également, plus anciens, mes USB: -en bootant sur mes Framakey Salix, Ubuntu FR, et Mint, il y à...
Can you or edit the following line from C:\AdwCleaner\settings.ini :
and set it as:
Then, relaunch AdwCleaner, the error should appear. Also, a new file will be created as C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner_Debug.log.
Please host it on and share the generated link.
Best regards,