I did a new scan today and I found 8 threats so I clicked on the clean button and then I did another scan and there is still
2 threats which I cant clean and delete.
Please help me
Have a great day.
I did a new scan today and I found 8 threats so I clicked on the clean button then I did a new scan and there is still 2 threats which I cant clean.
please help me
Have a great day.
Merci pour votra aide, mais même ce logiciel ne trouve rien d'anormal...
Et oui, la fenêtre intempestive (toujours les 2 mêmes: enquete google chrome et réparation de PC), s'ouvre seuluement sur Chrome!
Je ne vois pas quoi faire...
Je vais essayer de désinstaller et réinstaller Chrome!
Vers la fin du scan adw cleaner m'affiche ce message :
"Line 11754 (File "C:\Users\enzoc\Downloads\adwcleaner_6.000.exe"):
Error: Array variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript dimension range exceeded."
Comment puis-je remédier à cela ?
It's alright, I informed myself now and managed to remove it manually by going into the registry. What was it and was it something really dangerous or not a big deal? Since I'm by no means well educated in computer things, I got quite startled when I saw the word 'threat'. Should I be worried? Is it my PC safe if all my antivirus programs tell me there are no threats?
Thank you for taking your...
I have had previous versions of adwcleaner and they have worked before up until some point (I can't remember the version that it stopped working). Anytime I try to run the program, entry point not found pops up along with *SQLite3.dll cannot be loaded. Please help.
Also, no I am not on acid either, just a username I like to use.
It's fixed in the coming v6.010 release, out very soon.
Sorry for the inconvenience,
On va essayer de faire un peu de nettoyage: