L'analyse de ces dossiers avec Malwarebytes 3 ne me trouve rien de suspect.
L'analyse de ces dossiers avec Malwarebytes 3 ne me trouve rien de suspect.
I'm really sorry for the delay.
- For both computers:
You have MBAM 2 installed, can you uninstall it and install MB3? Then, do a scan with it and share the generated logfile.
- For DesktopB:
I don't see anything suspect at first glance, I'm still looking at it.
- For ALaptop:
More after the MB3 scan :)
Thanks, and sorry again.
i have some problems, and i'm 27 years old man,
i have some problems with my 2 computers and my external disks,
my configuration: pc 1: compaq desktop pc by hewlett packard, win 10 x64 upgraded from win 8 pc 2: Win 7 Starter Edition x32 Acer Aspire One laptop
Antivirus/firewall suite installed: pc 1: ad-aware total security pc 2: comodo internet security complete
then,: ---------...
1) It this file known to you?
There is nothing any suspicious, please clean some trace.
2) Using ClearLNK tool repair following links and attach tool's report to your message.
C:\Users\Vaishnavi\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\ImplicitAppShortcuts\9690809c1adfae92\user0 - Chrome.lnk
Hello and welcome on ToolsLib,
The least I can say is that you are determined. I saw your messages on Facebook and Twitter as well. I'll answer here so everyone can participate and see what's going on.
I don't know if you've seen it but we recently introduced automated VirusTotal scans for all the projects hosted on ToolsLib. Here is an example for AdsFix:
Hello. I have C:\Windows\SysNative\drivers\netfilter2.sys as well. This is an ASUS ROG system I built. It also lists netfilter2 under Services.
I think it is a false positive, yes?
Hello fr33tux
Je vais te faire quelques remontées ou il semble que ADWcleaner n'ai pas détectés tous les fichiers netfiler2.sys.
J'ai fait passé à ma helpée un frst search et j'ai obtenu tous les fichiers
Comme tu peux le constater sur le rapport, il y a dans la bécane 2 fichiers netfilters2.sys differents car n' ayant pas pas le même MD5 et cela à cin...
Pouvez-vous redemarrer en mode sans echec, et reessayer?
A noter que Windows Vista n'est plus supporte depuis plus d'une semaine, je vous invite a migrer sous peu sous Windows 7 ou au dessus.
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