I completely finished Turkish translation.
If you need translate EN-TR in the future, do not hesitate to write me.
You can keep in touch with me at any time by e-mail.
Best regards
I completely finished Turkish translation.
If you need translate EN-TR in the future, do not hesitate to write me.
You can keep in touch with me at any time by e-mail.
Best regards
Hello thanks ;)
the files are , like I thougt , exactly the same.
the content of them is 10 280 Ko of zeros , just full of empty space , nothing else :D
Regards :)
I am Norwegian, so English is not my first language either.
Done; wininst2.zip
Thank you!
Happy for you :)
if you move them in another folder you'll be able to finish the diag in a good way :) ( quickdiag analyses the msi files only in this folder ( Installer ) , you can for example create a folder in C:\Windows\Installer with the name you want and put these files to keep them not so far and do again a scan with quickdiag , I think it'll go 'till the end :)
sorry for my english bu...
Thank you for studying them, and for confirming that the problem lies in the file named 5f6db.msi itself and not QuickDiag.
As it happens, I also have another file named 9acb635.msi, which is equal in date/time, size and MD5, which also is corrupt.
[2015.05.08 07.17.50 | 010,526,720 | ---- | M] () MD5=B3315DBDB28BD24D3AA4AC70566DCECB -- C:\Windows\Installer\5f6db.msi
[2015.05.08 ...
ok I studied them
you can delete 5f6db.msi, the package is corrupted , It won't never work anymore.
QuickDiag gave me the same message than it gave to you at the same moment , on the same file.
I tried to install it and Windows returned me an error message
all the msi files are signed and this not.
[Deleted duplicate post]
Done; wininsta.zip
Thank you!
hello ok :)
would you like to send me these files :
[2015.09.22 17.16.32 | 000,774,144 | ---- | M] () MD5=9F39DC9027B92456016455A32B68478D -- C:\Windows\Installer\3ef7a91.msi
[2016.06.02 06.48.41 | 002,772,992 | R--- | M] () MD5=557170C4FCC0754B372A5FC174735242 -- C:\Windows\Installer\427ad05.msp
[2016.05.19 05.30.11 | 001,429,504 | R--- | M] () MD5=C233BD1DB45AF8BACD0F3C0D8A646740 -- C:\Wi...
Have you tried to manually restore them ? For instance : http://www.howtogeek.com/111784/how-to-recover-accidentally-deleted-bookmarks-in-chrome-firefox/
Best regards,