Re: Cookies

Cookies are stored in your browser. What browser are you using? Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, or another?  It is easy if I can find this out. 

Re: AdwCleaner 7.2.0 indicated version?

Remove botton. 1) pc1: no messages from Comodo > Remove botton works well; 2) pc2: messages from Comodo, I click on Allow as Safe application > Remove botton doesnt work, nothing happens.

Problem fully resolved by doing: Comodo > Applications> right click > "Unlock %temp% folder: uninstall.bat". ok!

PS: Comodo deleted your adwcleaner.exe when trying to copy it into a pendrive marking it as Ma...

Lựa chọn công nghệ lọc nước tốt nhất

Máy lọc nước RO là một sự lựa chọn tuyệt vời cho hầu hết các ngôi nhà ở Việt Nam nói chung và ở TP Hồ Chí Minh nói riêng. Công nghệ lọc RO rất phổ biến ở Việt nam và nó phổ biến đến mức thuật ngữ “RO” đã trở thành từ đồng nghĩa với máy lọc nước.

Máy lọc nước RO là sự kết hợp giữa các công nghệ RO, UV, có thể loại bỏ tất cả các tạp chất có trong nước như bùn, cát, bụi, vi khuẩn, virus, các chất...

Résultat du rapport ZHP cleaner


Je vous envoie mon rapport de ZHP Cleaner. Je voudrais savoir le résultat et si tous les adwares trouvés ont été supprimés. C'est la première fois que j'utilise ce logiciel et je ne sais pas comment m'en servir. J'ai fait cette analyse parce que mon processeur tournait à fond et je ne trouvais pas ça normal.

J'ai oublié de vous dire que j'ai redémarr...

Re: AdwCleaner 7.2.0 indicated version?

Hi, congratulations for this new 7.2.0. Impressive. (It works well on my old Vista too, despite the minimum system requirements: Great!!!). There is not an option - as in the past - to verify the latest build without reaching the official website? while the defs are automatically downloaded, ok. If you can add an option for deleting old logs files, without manually reaching the specific folder....

Re: Is my EXE infected?

I do not know if you have already done it, but when you have this kind of doubts you can use VirsuTotal or hybrid-analysis. Well here is the total virus scan: Virustotal Scan

EssentialPIM Stopped Working After Android Oreo Update


EssentialPIM was working fine when my Note 8 was running Android Nougat. I happen to receive the latest Android Oreo update today. But now as I will open the app it is only loading a blank screen on its start up and crashes after few secs of inactivity. How am I supposed to this fix error?

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.



Re: Adwcleaner vs Malwarebytes

Referring to the FAQ linked above.

Are both AdwCleaner and Malwarebytes needed?

  • Yes!
  • AdwCleaner and Malwarebytes are designed to work well together
  • AdwCleaner specializes in adware and PUPs removal and does not offer real-time protection. It does a more thorough job of cleaning the left-over traces, OS configurations, and system modifications caused by malware.
  • Malwarebytes focuses more o...

Re: Malwarebytes 3 and avira


It's not only for Avira users - as I said above, it may result on unpredicted conflicts.

I do not recommend having multiple antiviruses running at the same time.

Re: Malwarebytes 3 and avira

Hi Cocochepeau, would you recommend disabling the real-time protection when using Malwarebytes 3 no matter what antivirus program you're using or is does that advice only for the Avira users?

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