Can you share the full scan and clean logfiles please?
Can you share the full scan and clean logfiles please?
TryMedia est classé PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program ou PPI / programmes potentiellement indésirables en français). Une description précise est disponible à cette adresse :
Concernant le fait "qu'il revient sans cesse", pouvez-vous me partager un rapport de scan et/ou nettoyage incriminant TryMedia ? Nous pourrons peut-être trouver ...
I've used Wise Care 365 for a long time, and now adware cleaner detects me two program registry keys as threats. Are they false positives or are they really threats? Thanks in advance for your clarification.
All in the file called: Web Data.
Some options are checked by default, can you unselect them too?
Yes exacxtly. When i click on CLEAN i don't checked Tools > Options..
Does the crash occur even with no options checked in Tools > Options?
Can you see from the Debug log what exactly the problem is?
In my first scan found Adwcleaner the next problems...
***** [ Registry ] ***** Key Found: KLM\SOFTWARE\CLASSES\APPID\{93469602-4134-4012-A6BC-3E73B9855F90} Key Found: KLM\SOFTWARE\CLASSES\APPID\WinZipSmartMonitorService.exe
No i do a new scan and nothing was found! But any time when i click on CLEAN in Adwcleaner, fr...
ok je vous remercie pour votre retour , c'est vraiment gentil de nous tenir informer et félicitation pour votre réactivité .
Merci à vous
Can you redo a scan, and share me the generated logfile?
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