Pouvez-vous partager le rapport de Nettoyage concernant cette détection ? Il se trouve ici: C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[Cxx].txt
Pouvez-vous partager le rapport de Nettoyage concernant cette détection ? Il se trouve ici: C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[Cxx].txt
I presume you're using Google Chrome as web browser?
You should be able to pass through the security warning and download AdwCleaner. Can you please show me a screen capture of this alert?
Thank you.
I have encountered a problem. After Scanning and hitting the button Clean, it runs as if it is starting the cleaning process. Then after a few seconds the application doesn't respond. I read the instructions and this is my debug link:
I use Win 10 64-bit.
Please help me. Thanks
My AdwCleaner download from the ToolsLib website is giving a security warning. I am happy with the service and the software but I need a safe download for Windows XP, as my XP computer and Google browser are no longer supported. I can't afford to upgrade my old Dell computer at this stage. Your help please?
Bonsoir ,
Depuis plusieurs jours je suis infecté par une extension dans Chrome trouvé par Adwcleaner que je colle ici Chromium préf trouvée: [C:\Users\AB\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 3\Secure Preferences ] - hpdbfhoobgcmiffaheiedgepeipfcjpb
Malgré Adwcleaner j n'arrive pas à m'en débaasser , pourriez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît ?
désolé freetux mais le nettoyage a ete un échec . il a bloqué plusieurs heures puis message d'erreur et fermeture de l'application . :(
Hi there, I've experienced a common issue faced by some other users as well. Whenever I selected "Clean" after the Scanning process, the program turned into Not Responding and freezes up my computer. Here's the log for Scanning.
Bonjour, désolé pour le retard vous pouvez me critiquer X)
he bien vous avez raison cocochepeau quelque jour après même problème , j'ai fait comme vous m'avez demander fr33tux celà a duré plusieurs heures et surprise toujours de google chrome alors que je l'ai désinstallé bizarre . voici l rapport de scan
# Mode: Scan # Support :
***** [ Services ] ***...
I created new firefox profile using Profile Manager, then I copied all files fromt the old profile to the new one. AdwCleaner did not detect any suspicious files in that new profile folder, so I guess I'm good?
Thanks M-K-D-B, sorry for misunderstanding.
@Simplex: Can you zip me the folder "C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\41A66E7E5EE1" and your profile: "4ui6vnjc.Simplex" ? I'll merge the two so that you'll find a clean profile, and you will be able to clean with AdwCleaner the malicious one.
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