Re: ADWCleaners is downloaded with corruption constantly


Can you give me the steps to reproduce this issue?

  • What web browser / version ;
  • With or without download manager, etc..


Re: ADWCleaners is downloaded with corruption constantly


This issue should now be resolved. Can you confirm?


cocochepeau, 2018-02-26 13:47:00 (UTC)

Wow! It's even worse now!

1. Download manager (with 2 threads and above) now brings errors that file has changed after few seconds of downloading. When I click 'download anyway' same happens few seconds later.

2. When I click link 'Click here if download didn't start' I see this err...

Re: Adwcleaner ne se lance pas


je l'ai fais mais ça bloque defois,meme qu'on je le supprime dans le gestionnaire des taches il revient donc je l'ai desactivé et changé mon anti-virus vers kaspersky


Re: AdwCleaner will not install on Win10 64-bit PC


Sorry for the late answer.

Indeed, Auslogics is considered as PUP by AdwCleaner. Did you manage to run the cleaning process?

Re: ADWCleaners is downloaded with corruption constantly


This issue should now be resolved. Can you confirm?


Re: AdwCleaner will not install on Win10 64-bit PC

Here is the one from the session that ran right after it installed correctly. AdwCleaner doesn't seem to like Wise and Auslogics applications; it found them and quarantined them, which is fine. Now, the issue with AdwCleaner not installing was occuring before Wise or Auslogics apps were installed.

# AdwCleaner - Logfile created on Mon Feb 19 19:47:12 2018 # Updated on 2018/08/02 by Mal...

Re: ADWCleaners is downloaded with corruption constantly


The issue with download managers is known and will be resolved at the end of the week. In the meantime, please avoid using any download manager while downloading AdwCleaner - it should then work as expected.

To be more precise, this is related to parallel download feature (in Chrome, since version 64) and some other download managers.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Re: caught unhandled unknown exception terminating


This is a known issue and this will be fixed with the upcoming major version - The 7.1.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


ADWCleaners is downloaded with corruption constantly

Some strange thing is going on when I try to download ADWCleaner 7.0.8 I assume it is on my side but please confirm. Most of the time downloaded file is corrupted with wrong checksums. It was 100% always corrupted when downloaded with Download Master (download manager) until I finally set option of "download files in 1 thread" AND it must not rename a file at the end if already same named file ...

Re: AdwCleaner will not install on Win10 64-bit PC

No luck. The PC won't enter safe mode. It just shuts down. Ran sfc /scannow - no errors. Also tried disabling Windows Defender  - same error comes up.

Additional Note - 2/19/18: I logged in under a separate accoun that also has local admin privileges. On login Win10 updated some Creators Update files and allowed me to install/run AdwCleaner After reboot I tried running AdwCleaner unde...