I had a similar issue. I manually deleted my issues by following the location of the threats and removing them. An admin told me that they will soon fix it in an upcoming update, but I don't know much about this. Good luck!
I had a similar issue. I manually deleted my issues by following the location of the threats and removing them. An admin told me that they will soon fix it in an upcoming update, but I don't know much about this. Good luck!
Is AdwCleaner running well now ?
Ok, here is the report, only difference is that i censored my username and computer's name.
# DelFix v1.013 - Logfile created 24/08/2016 at 14:16:04
# Updated 17/04/2016 by Xplode
# Username : ***********************
# Operating System : Windows 10 Home (64 bits)
~ Activating UAC ... OK
~ Removing disinfection tools ...
Deleted : C:\AdwCleaner Deleted : C:\Users\ReLiving24\Downloads\adwcl...
Bonjour, Ci-dessous le rapport SEAF.
1. ========================= SEAF - C_XX
3. Commencé à: 19:17:25 le 24/08/2016
5. Valeur(s) recherchée(s):
6. sqlite3.dll
8. Légende: TC => Date de création, TM => Date de modification, DA => Dernier accès
11. ====== Fichier(s) ======
14. "C:\AdsFix\Quarantine\C\Program Files\McAfee Security Sca...
My name is Namir BSATA
My email is nb5 at videotron dot ca
I did a new scan with AdwCleaner and I found 8 threats so I clicked on the clean button and I did a new scan and there is still 2 threats
which I am not able to clean and delete.
Have a great day
Here is what we gonna try to get it fixed :
Tell ...
I did a new scan today and I found 8 threats so I clicked on the clean button and then I did another scan and there is still
2 threats which I cant clean and delete.
Please help me
Have a great day.
Merci pour votra aide, mais même ce logiciel ne trouve rien d'anormal...
Et oui, la fenêtre intempestive (toujours les 2 mêmes: enquete google chrome et réparation de PC), s'ouvre seuluement sur Chrome!
Je ne vois pas quoi faire...
Je vais essayer de désinstaller et réinstaller Chrome!
Vers la fin du scan adw cleaner m'affiche ce message :
"Line 11754 (File "C:\Users\enzoc\Downloads\adwcleaner_6.000.exe"):
Error: Array variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript dimension range exceeded."
Comment puis-je remédier à cela ?