As I told you by email, you can ginore those two remainings at the moment.
Best regards,
As I told you by email, you can ginore those two remainings at the moment.
Best regards,
The C32 file is allready sent to you
the S185 file is sent via email with an attached file.
When Ever I Run ADW Cleaner on some one computer by taking remote acess it diconect remote screen and i can't click on other option of OK which i was able to click on previous version so inoder to do i have to take help of client whose system is on remote with me. So please retify this..
What I have to do to get rid of the threats?
When I run adwcleaner_6.000, the dialog box displays: the Logo - Waiting for Action bar and the 3 Action Buttons, but is too small to show the "RESULTS" tabs & details of any threats. I get "2 Threats" found, but can not see what they are. The maximize box icon is greyed out & there are no corner "handles" to drag out the box.
How can I make it "full screen", or at least bit larger like old v5...
When Ever I Run ADW Cleaner on some one computer by taking remote acess it diconect remote screen and i can't click on other option of OK which i was able to click on previous version so inoder to do i have to take help of client whose system is on remote with me. So please retify this..
2016-08-17 22:50:16 : INFO [main] - >>>> STARTING <<<<
2016-08-17 22:50:16 : INFO [main] - RAM Usage: 34
2016-08-17 22:50:16 : INFO [main] - OS: WIN_10 X64
2016-08-17 22:50:16 : <INFO> [main.language] - Checking the language
2016-08-17 22:50:16 : <INFO> [main.language] - Language found: fr
2016-08-17 22:50:16 : <INFO> [main.network] - Checking the network connectivity
2016-08-17 22:50:1...
Please try to use a polite and courteous language.
Can you be more precise, could you share us a debug log in order to investigate? That would be a good start.
Here's the documentation if needed: https://toolslib.net/forum/viewthread/182-en-adwcleaner-documentation/
Do not hesitate to tell me if you don't understand something. :)
2016-08-18 01:50:01 : <WARN> [scan.registry] - Found {E7270EC6-0113-4A78-B610-E501D0A9E48E} 2016-08-18 01:50:03 : <WARN> [scan.registry] - Found {E69D4A59-73DE-4E38-9FB3-740EC4D9060D} 2016-08-18 01:50:05 : <WARN> [scan.registry] - Found {02478D38-C3F9-4EFB-9B51-7695ECA05670} 2016-08-18 01:50:06 : <WARN> [scan.registry] - Found {EF99BD32-C1FB-11D2-892F-0090271D4F88} ...
2016-08-18 01:45:37 : <INFO> [main.gui] - Clean requested 2016-08-18 01:45:41 : <INFO> [main.gui] - Killing all processes 2016-08-18 01:45:41 : <WARN> [main] - Killing [System Process](0) 2016-08-18 01:45:41 : <WARN> [main] - Killing System(4) 2016-08-18 01:45:41 : <WARN> [main] - smss.exe - (4) not killed - whitelisted 2016-08-18 01:45:41 : <WARN> ...