Re: Error during scan

So this did resolve the issue, although I performed a system restore just before I downloaded it the second time. So I couldn't say exactly what fixed the problem, but regardless I don't have it anymore. Thanks for the help in any case!

Re: Error during scan

Okay, I didn't mean for the debug log to be so illegible.

2016-02-16 22:49:13 : [Success] Retrieved 203 elements from 'generic_browsefox' table

2016-02-16 22:49:13 : [Success] Retrieved 70 elements from 'generic_crossrider' table

2016-02-16 22:49:13 : [Success] Retrieved 289 elements from 'generic_multiplug' table

2016-02-16 22:49:13 : [Success] Retrieved 157 elements from 'generic_mywebsea...

Error during scan

I just downloaded adwcleaner 5.034 and upon running a scan I recieve an error show in this image

When running the program under debug mode this was the log it produced:


2016-02-16 22:49:13 : [Notice]        Scan started 2016-02-16 22:49:13 : [Success]        Internet connection is UP 2016-02-16 22:49:13 : [Success]        Loaded C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local...

Re: False Detection by AdwCleaner


I added "f-secure" to the whitelist, it shouldn't be detected now. It was detected because of the keyword "safesearch" which is often used by adwares.


Re: False Detection by AdwCleaner


could you please take look at this LOG: i think it it a "false/positive"-detection. Im using "F-Secure internet security" and

this software is always installing plug-ins when the a browser is started for the first time after the installation. I created a new Windows-User Account and  F-Secure asked me (when i launched Firefox) if i want to install 2 plug-ins that are included with this f-s...

Re: adwclean 5.031 crashing on XP/SP3

Running XP SP3. downloaded 5.032 to D:\Downloads and created a desktop shortcut and ran it from desktop shortcut, it found a SweetIM entry in the registry. Ran cleaning and got a BSOD, PC ran scandisk and everything was OK. PC rebooted and showed log for deleted registry entry. This BSOD also happened on previous versions.

Ran it from D:\Downloads it found nothing and completed fine.

Ran it f...

Re: adwclean 5.031 crashing on XP/SP3

I had downloaded 5.031, ran it and it worked. Tried it immediately for a 2nd time and it crashed. Renamed it to adwcleaner.exe and it crashed. Tried it in safe mode with networking and it crashed. The debug version of 5.031 has worked multiple times in a row with no problem so far



Ne peut pas supprimer certaines photos sur l'appli photo de windows 10


Depuis que j'ai supprimer un dossier de One drive qui contenait des photos que j'avais fait parvenir par courriel et qui devait rester rester sur One drive jusqu'en avril 2016. Deux de ces photos ne veulent plus se supprimer. Et j'ai aussi 2 autres photos qui proviennent de mon dossier image qui ne veulent pas aussi se supprimer.

Ca me dit que ces photos sont ouvertes dans une autre ...

Re: ramnit virus

downloaded the latest adw,  problem with a virus in the exe..  ramnit virus detected by ....  reason core security.. brrrr...  then downloaded

the exe on my external backup disk and ran the scan again...  same result ... as the virus was already in my system,  ran my recent backup.. virus gone

johan442, 2016-01-20 04:35:56 (UTC)

You are infected with file-virus. Win32/Ramnit (and related v...

Re: adwcleaner disappeares

For some reason....just tried downloading it for the 25th time....and magically it's working. Huh......strange.

JaySchroeder5050, 2016-01-23 00:57:11 (UTC)

I have it (adwcleaner_5.027.exe (or _5.030)) saved on disk by Download manager as part of my brawser and I discovered that I can “Open” it repeatedly through the “downloded files” list in the Download manager Menu