I have the same problem today . and I had to use Roguekiller to remove UCGuard and others services that adwcleaner was unable to remove them ! have you yet try out Roguekiller ?
I have the same problem today . and I had to use Roguekiller to remove UCGuard and others services that adwcleaner was unable to remove them ! have you yet try out Roguekiller ?
Hello, I saw a similar post of a guy that had his adwcleaner crashing whenever he tried to clean "UCGuard". I'm having the exact same problem. If someone could please guide me on how to remove it I would be very pleased. Sorry for the inconvenience. Here is a link to the infected parts: https://gyazo.com/8ef4445d8ab9eb2d5c64b111436a04e0
Thank you, I will re-run to make sure SimpleHelp stays active and will get back with you.
Thank you
Well...since the link of manual removal is deleted, I just want to tell you that if you can not remove MPC Cleaner from control panel, you find its location and click its "uninstaller" file there. As a result, you can manually remove it. There is one thing you should note that it has more than one "unisntaller" file in different folders. You should find them all and clcik them.
Good luck!
It's already done.
Sorry for being so late to answer. Don't hesitate to "up" the topic by replying in it if you don't have any answer within three days.
Thanks for the shortcut.
@haronaroum: I strictly discourage any use of Spyhunter until the case involving Enigma (SpyHunter's editor) is solved. There are a lot of means to get rid of MPC Cleaner, just create your own topic on this forum and we'll help ...
as per 2nd to last post in thread https://toolslib.net/forum/viewthread/8223-adwcleaner-whitelist-request-remote-access-tool-called/
I use AdwCleaner on a constant basis. Recently I scanned a computer with it to remove some residual shopathome.com issues. Afterwards I noticed an entire folder missing. After searching my C: drive, it showed it was now located in the quarantine folder created by AdwCleaner. Fearing the worst I looked back at the logs created from that scan. It shows nothing about that folder (and several other...
Désolé, je sais que vous êtes un bénévole et je vous en remercie, voici le rapport
# DelFix v1.013 - Rapport créé le 27/09/2016 à 14:38:49 # Mis à jour le 17/04/2016 par Xplode # Nom d'utilisateur : ROLANDIN - ROLAND # Système d'exploitation : Windows 10 Home (64 bits)
~ Activation de l'UAC ... OK
~ Suppression des outils de désinfection ...
Supprimé : C:\FRST Supprimé : C:\AdwCleaner Sup...