AdwCleaner v5.118 et Avira Antivirus Pro


Lors du téléchargement, la version v5.118 fait "hurler méchamment" Avira Antivirus Pro !



Re: Possible faux positif.



Je confirme, la valeur n'est plus détectée.



Re: Possible faux positif.


Ce devrait être corrigé.


Re: Some other false positive entrie ("SEIKO CORPORATION - EPSON Software updater") ?


Actually, the path is correct since if a key is found in x64 registry, there will be "[x64]" as a prefix in the path.

This FP should be fixed now, I removed it from the database.


ADW Update & forwarding to secure "https" page


would it be possible, if an ADW update is available, to be forwarded to a secure page "" instead of a unsecure page ""?



Many possible F/P's with ADW 5.118


these items seems to be F/P's

Ordner gefunden : C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\axm79hc9.Micha Neu\extensions\ Ordner gefunden : C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\axm79hc9.Micha Neu\extensions\ Ordner gefunden : C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\axm79hc9.Micha Neu\extension...

Faux positif v5.118


AdwCleaner 5.118 trouve la valeur suivante:


***** [ Navigateurs ] *****

[C:\Users\Utilisateur\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\thgw8k89.default\prefs.js] trouvée : user_pref("app.update.lastUpdateTime.browser-cleanup-thumbnails", 1464234550);


A noter que la version 5.117 ne trouve pas cette valeur.



Some other false positive entrie ("SEIKO CORPORATION - EPSON Software updater") ?

Hello all,

AdwCleaner (last version: 5.118) found following Registry Key:

***** [ Registry ] *****

Key Found : HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{8DBC5A0A-31C4-46C7-B252-6B593EA11A87}


This item is actually linked with a harmless updates detection tool for a legit EPSON printers drivers & relevant softwares, called "EPSON Software Updater",  that can be found here:...

Re: System Event Notification System fail to start after use Adware Cleaner

you need to reinstall the software for your "killer" network card..

the "adwcleaner" program stupidly automatically resets your "winsock" settings, screwing up the installation of the software for your "killer" network-card..

in the future, you will have to always remember to untick adwcleaner's option for automatically resetting your computer's settings for "winsock"..

Re: AWD not working

right at this moment, it hasnt come back......Ill let you know if it does....:)  thankyou!!