Can you try with this one: ?
Can you try with this one: ?
Pouvez vous lancer AdwCleaner, cliquer sur "Outils" > "Options" et cocher "Debug". Ensuite, lancez l'analyse, hebergez le fichier C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner_Debug.log sur et collez le lien genere dans votre reponse.
Thank you for the update my friend.
This issue is fixed in the coming beta, published very soon..
@Bernard82: It's only a display bug in some cases, files are actually quarantined. I know it's annoying and we're working to resolve it asap.
Yeah I hope they finally do something it really annoys me -.- and I cant even use the older versions because I always need to update I cant cancel it
problem by using
the scan works well, but the cleaning tool ==> crash
DEBUG [9884] [AdwCleanerSDK::Folders::CleanFolder@114] [!]
Fatal error 2017-08-03 06:53:17.854 DEBUG [8836] [MainUI::OnClose@632] [!] Initializing exit sequence...-32000
Bonjour je suis sous windows 10 version 1703 adwcleaner_7.0.1.0 ma trouver un pup et quand je scane il ce bloque donc ne nétoye rien je vous joint l'image ou il ce bloque avec cet mise a jour il marchais trés bien merci de votre aide