Re: Répertoire de fonctionnement...


AdwCleaner s'installe à la racine du système et bascule sur le répertoire courant si besoin. Si votre second disque n'est pas la racine du système, c'est donc normal.

On pourra améliorer ce point si nécessaire..

Répertoire de fonctionnement...


Utilisant AdwCleaner à partir d'un répertoire particulier sur un disque particulier (autre que le C), je trouve surprenant qu'un nouveau répertoire (quarantaine, trace, etc.) soit créé à la racine du disque disque C.

Ne devrait-il pas normalement figurer sous "ProgramData" (Win7 et plus) ou au pire dans le répertoire d'origine?



Re: The new UI is inconvenient


Thanks for your message, really appreciate it.

1.  After scanning, I have to click through every tab to see where the problems are.  Could you please highlight each tab where there is malware so that we can go to it immediately (preferably with a shortcut key rather than the mouse).

Koala, 2016-08-13 00:31:48 (UTC)

We can definitely think about that indeed.

2.  This situation has ...

The new UI is inconvenient

Thank you very much for this software, which fills a significant gap in security software for PCs.  By way of constructive and appreciative comment, I would like to make three recommendations about the UI (I am working on a 23 inch monitor in Windows 10 Pro).

1.  After scanning, I have to click through every tab to see where the problems are.  Could you please highlight each tab where there is...


Ok, it's better.

  1. Can you relaunch AdwCleaner and do a scan ? Then, share the generated logfile
  2. Download the file fixlist.txt and save it as "fixlist.txt" to the Desktop or where FRST is located.

NOTE. It's important that both files, FRST/FRST64 and fixlist.txt are in the same location or the fix will not work.

NOTICE: This script was written specifically for this user, for use on that partic...

Re: Adwcleaner cannot remove bsdriver.sys and cherimoya.sys

on AdwCleaner by ****

first, thank you for your advices. Here is the fixlog.txt :

Résultats de correction de Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (x64) Version: 27-07-2016
Exécuté par Charles-Etienne (2016-08-02 21:55:36) Run:1
Exécuté depuis C:\Users\Charles-Etienne\Downloads
Profils chargés: Charles-Etienne (Profils disponibles: Charles-Etienne)
Mode d'amorçage: Normal


Re: Adwcleaner cannot remove bsdriver.sys and cherimoya.sys


Ok. I think that AdwCleaner has cleaned most of the elements I found in the FRST log since it has been created before, but we'll see what it gives:

  • Download the file fixlist.txt and save it as "fixlist.txt" to the Desktop or where FRST is located.

NOTE. It's important that both files, FRST/FRST64 and fixlist.txt are in the same location or the fix will not work.

NOTICE: This script wa...

Re: A quand une mise à jour

Ok. Ça devrait normalement être mieux, vous confirmez ?

Re: Adwcleaner ne fonctionne pas, messages que je ne comprends pas

@fr33lux, je viens de lancer AdwCleaner mais cette fois depuis l'icône sur mon bureau et non comme les dernière fois, je ne sais pas si cela à un rapport, mais après analyse un pop-up me dit "adwcleaner found no malicious program on your computer".

Comme voici 1 ou 2 jour j'avais passé ZHPcleaner, c'est peut-être normal qu'il n'ai rien trouvé ?

En attendant merci beaucoup de votre aide et de ...

Help I need to gain control of my home network and devices again

I am unsure of exactly what happened but I started noticing that my usual sites looked different and the addresses for them had also changed in the address bar. I could type in and it would redirect me to everytime. I started using F12 developer tools to look at the webpages and their sources. I noticed that they all were not t...

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