Re: Cannot get AdwCleaner to work on Windows 10 64bit

Hello, I downloaded a new copy from Bleepingcomputer and ran the program again this morning. During the run the progress slider stopped at approximately 1/4 of the away across with the wording, I believe, saying "searching for generic elements". It stayed that way for approximately 5 and one-half minutes and (not responding) showing across the top edge of the program. Suddenly the (not respondi...

Re: Mon ordinateur devient Fou !!! :( :(

Bonsoir fr33tux (y)

    Adwcleaner   me  dit   qu'il  n'a   rien  trouvé , mais   voici  le  rapport :

# AdwCleaner v5.036 - Rapport créé le 23/02/2016 à 22:04:00
# Mis à jour le 22/02/2016 par Xplode
# Base de données : 2016-02-22.2 [Serveur]
# Système d'exploitation : Windows 7 Ultimate Service Pack 1 (x64)
# Nom d'utilisateur : Patrice - MYSTICRUSE6-PC
# Exécuté depuis : C:\Users\Patrice\...

Re: Missed remnants

"Searching for generic detections" means that AdwCleaner will search for folders / registry elements that matches a specific pattern or have a specific behavior.

All strings will be updated for v5.037.

1. I let the choice to run clean even if no threats are detected because the user can still want to run specific options that can be checked in "Option" menu

2. Fixed for v5.037

3. Same


Re: Missed remnants

on AdwCleaner by ****

More changes:

$L_GENSEARCH = "Searching for generic elements ..." Please change the current translation to this for now:$L_GENSEARCH = "Trwa wyszukiwanie typowych obiektów..." BTW, what does that exactly mean? Maybe I would be able to find a better translation.

$L_FINISHED = "Zakończono" I assume this is used only once scan completes. To make it more clear, I would change it to:$L_FINISHED = ...

False Positive / Firefox Add On "Classic Theme Restorer 1.4.8"


would you pls check above mentioned add on for F/P? It works for me for a long time without any problems and was never detected by any other security software.

########## EOF - C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[S25].txt - [7577 octets] ##########

# AdwCleaner v5.035 - Bericht erstellt am 21/02/2016 um 19:09:38
# Aktualisiert am 18/02/2016 von Xplode
# Datenbank : 2016-02-20.3 [Server]
# Betri...

Re: Problems with ADW 5.034


i have just downloaded 5.034 from here:

No reaction during generic search

Scan is now hanging for 10 minutes during Check Internet Browsers. I have now deleted after 20 Minutes the whole Scan Process via Task manager!


Problems with ADW 5.034


there seems to be problems with ADW 5.034. First, ADW shows " no reaction" during the generic scan is running, Secondly, the scan is hanging during "Scan Internet browers". Problems exist on a machine with WIN 7. No scan problems with ADW 5.033.

Thanks Michael

Re: Still Bug in Generic Detections


Can you download AdwCleaner again and tell me if you still have this error ?


Re: Error during scan

Okay, I didn't mean for the debug log to be so illegible.

2016-02-16 22:49:13 : [Success] Retrieved 203 elements from 'generic_browsefox' table

2016-02-16 22:49:13 : [Success] Retrieved 70 elements from 'generic_crossrider' table

2016-02-16 22:49:13 : [Success] Retrieved 289 elements from 'generic_multiplug' table

2016-02-16 22:49:13 : [Success] Retrieved 157 elements from 'generic_mywebsea...

Error during scan

I just downloaded adwcleaner 5.034 and upon running a scan I recieve an error show in this image

When running the program under debug mode this was the log it produced:


2016-02-16 22:49:13 : [Notice]        Scan started 2016-02-16 22:49:13 : [Success]        Internet connection is UP 2016-02-16 22:49:13 : [Success]        Loaded C:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local...