Re: erreur sqlite3.dll au demarrage du scan...


Une nouvelle version d'AdwCleaner devrait être publiée courant semaine prochaine, et contiendra une correction plus efficace pour le problème que vous rencontrez.


Re: Menaces persistantes apres nettoyage


Pouvez-vous utiliser Malwarebytes:

  1. Téléchargez le à partir d'ici:
  2. Suivez les étapes d'installation (il n'y a pas de mauvaises surprises)
  3. Cliquez sur l'icone sur votre bureau, et cliquez sur "Rechercher des mises à jour".
  4. Cliquez alors sur "Analyser Maintenant"
  5. À la fin, cliquez sur "Exporter le compte-rendu", "Fichier ...

Re: erreur sqlite3.dll au demarrage du scan...

D'accord, nous allons donc essayer autrement :

  1. Téléchargez CCleaner en cliquant sur ce lien, et installez-le;
  2. Lancez CCleaner (Il devrait y avoir un raccourci sur votre bureau);
  3. Naviguez vers l'onglet Options > Avancé, puis décochez "Effacer uniquement les fichiers temporaires de Windows datant de plus de 24 heures";
  4. Ensuite, toujours dans l'onglet Options > Surveillance, décochez les cases...

Adwcleaner Logo


2016-12-03 02:28:45 :     INFO    [main] - >>>> STARTING <<<<

2016-12-03 02:28:45 :     INFO    [main] - Version: 6.040

2016-12-03 02:28:45 :     INFO    [main] - RAM Usage: 10

2016-12-03 02:28:45 :     INFO    [main] - OS: WIN_7  X64

2016-12-03 02:28:45 :     <INFO>    [main.language] - Checking the language

2016-12-03 02:28:45 :     <INFO>    [main.language] - Language found: en


Re: I'm under the impression my PC has caught a virus of some sort... But...


Can you relaunch it, do a clean. Then, share the logfile shown at reboot.

Then, use MBAM:

  • Please download MBAM:
  • On the Settings tab > Detection and Protection sub tab, Detection Options, tick the box "Scan for rootkits".
  • Under Non-Malware Protection sub tab Change PUP and PUM entries to Treat detections as Malware
  • Click on the Sca...

Re: Can't delete UC Guard



So, we'll remove the tools we've used:

  • Download DelFix from Xplode on your desktop;
  • Launch it with administrator rights;
  • Select all the option except the one proposing to save the registry;
  • Then click on the "Execute" button;
  • When everything is finish, the software will close itself;
  • Then a report appear on the notepad, please copy paste it's content in your answer.


Re: Can't delete UC Guard


Thanks. So, you can uninstall:

- McAfee,

- AdAware  

Then, we'll use FRST to remove the UCGuard remaining:

Download fixlist.txt file and save it to the Desktop (with the name "fixlist.txt")

NOTE. It's important that both files, FRST/FRST64 and fixlist.txt are in the same location or the fix will not work.

NOTICE: This script was written specifically for this user, for use on that ...

Re: Can't delete UC Guard


To remove the remaining service, can you do the following?

  • Download FRST
  • Right-click on the file -> "Execute as Administrator"
  • Please also check Shortcut.txt
  • Click on the "Scan" button
  • The logfile is saved as FRST.txt , and additional informations are in Addition.txt.
  • Please host them on Up2Share and share the generated link.


Re: Can't delete UC Guard

on Windows by analoz

Sorry, MBAM Scanlog (after restart)

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

Scan Date: 25-Nov-16 Scan Time: 09:14 Logfile:  Administrator: Yes

Version: Malware Database: v2016.11.25.02 Rootkit Database: v2016.11.20.01 License: Trial Malware Protection: Enabled Malicious Website Protection: Enabled Self-protection: Disabled

OS: Windows 10 CPU: x64 File System: NTFS User: ...

Re: Can't delete UC Guard

on Windows by analoz


AdwCleaner logfile:

MBAM Scanlog:

Protection, 25-Nov-16 09:13, SYSTEM, DESKTOP-KCS8S2N, Protection, Malware Protection, Starting,  Protection, 25-Nov-16 09:13, SYSTEM, DESKTOP-KCS8S2N, Protection, Malware Protection, Started,  Protection, 25-Nov-16 09:13, SYSTEM, DESKTOP-KCS8S2N, Protection, Malicious Website Protection, Starting,  Protection, 25-No...