Reinstall it and then uninstall :
Reinstall it and then uninstall :
I would if I could but there are only 2 files in the uninstall folder.
Lang.xf & skin.xf
I assume that either your program or my manual deletion has removed the.exe files
What to do?
Use the "uninstall" file in the installation folder MPC Cleaner.
Sorry... MPC came up again and warned me and I just had to reboot my PC.. Anyway as I started to say ADW is not completly removing MPC. It appears that the folders and some file are protected by "EVERYONE" and Administrator rights are not sufficient to delete them. I have tried changing the cesurity rights and delete manually in Standard and Safe modes but cannot get rid of them all..... HELP P...
Can you share the logfiles from C:\AdwCleaner please ?
Best regards,
It's a false positive, and it will be removed in the coming database update.
However, it doesn't create any damage if you delete it and will probably be re-created.
Best regards,
Hi there I am no PC expert.
ADW 2 days ago to disnifect 2 computers that appear to have some kind of Key tracing. The keys have to be pushed a little more systematically, and every few letters dont work.The mouse also doesnt work as well, scrolling and clicks are slow and in accurtate.
I used ADW and it found key several things,and cleaned both PC, and they were fantastic for 24 hours. Now th...
thank you for helping me out. here it is:
# AdwCleaner v5.117 - Logfile created 16/05/2016 at 21:46:10
# Updated 15/05/2016 by Xplode # Database : 2016-05-15.2 [Server]
# Operating system : Windows 10 Home (X64)
# Username : Therios - TABLET-JSTJM13J
# Running from : C:\Users\Therios\Downloads\adwcleaner_5.117.exe
# Option : Clean
# Support :
***** [ Services ] ***...
Ce contournement a fonctionné pour moi mais n'est pas pratique pour les utilisateurs du domaine (qui n'ont pas le password admin local). Avez vous trouvé l'origine du problème (cela fonctionnait avant)?
Assuming a Windows 7 (or newer) OS, try running AWDCleaner as a different user by following these steps:
- From your domain user account, download 'adwcleaner_5.108.exe', a...
Can you share the whole logfile please ?
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