There should be a new file on your desktop looking like "ZHPDiag.txt". You may use it through there.
There should be a new file on your desktop looking like "ZHPDiag.txt". You may use it through there.
It's strange.. Can you check the option "Use local database" before running the scan ?
Do you encounter any connectivity issues with the website ?
I finally got ZHP diag to download in English. Scan showed 5 Bugs found. report was locked as 1) PUP.Optional Free Soft Today 2) Toolbar.Agent 3) Heuristic Suspect
It would not Repair or Report. couldn't drag & drop or right click and ZHP screen was locked in the centre of the screen with no functions. When trying to view the items discovered a screen came up all in French again...frustration ...
I think I should be clearer. I've installed the app but when I hit "scan" I receive the above mentioned message.
Thanks. I will update the translation for v5.037.
Regarding the file you sent me in your previous post, I didn't know that you put the instructions inside "ffff.txt" file , you should have called it "readme.txt" ;-)
I will review this file and add the elements as soon as possible. Some elements ( like the firefox extension ) should be already detected since v5.036.
You can exceptionnaly ignore this warning from SmartScreen.
Please see this how-to for the screenshot : http://www.wikihow.com/Take-a-Screenshot-in-Microsoft-Windows
Tried to download the ZHPDiag software again and got:
Windows protected your PC
Windows Smartscreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting. Running this app might put your PC at risk.
This happens sometimes when downloading the latest version of Adware cleaner...I will have to check out Screenshot, as, never have done it before. Thanks.
I'm waiting for the ZHPDiag report :) (see my message above).
OK thanks. Still strange. Still having the problem. Maybe I'll contact Rogers techies again.
Sorry, it was ANSI. Please try UTF8 here.
Also, I think you missed one of my messages. What details should I provide about the shortcut path?
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